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Fly Agaric Mushroom

Fly Agaric Mushroom

My husband spotted this fungi in the woodland at Cannock Chase, Staffordshire.

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Its very Bright & Pretty Dawn :)

7 Nov, 2008


And also very poisonous!

7 Nov, 2008


Thought they only existed in fairytales, lol.

7 Nov, 2008


classic. Were there any brownies dancing round it?!

8 Nov, 2008


Wonderful!...yes didn't know there were real fungi like this!!

8 Nov, 2008


The Brownies had just left! Lol. I suppose looking at a photo isnt the same as finding one, I wonder how/why they evolved like this?

8 Nov, 2008


Thanks Dawnsaunt..........

11 Nov, 2008


This reminds me of the Mario Brothers nintendo game I used to play all the time, about 17 years So this is was a real one looks like. I've only seen the animated ones on the game.

5 Dec, 2008


Yep Flcrazy, it was real. Growing in a woodland in Staffordshire. We dont see many of these to be honest.

6 Dec, 2008


Looks like it is out of a fairy tale!

9 Jan, 2009


I know PottyG, I've never actually seen a real life one myself but when my husband saw it in the woodland at Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, he took a photo for me and I'm glad he did.

9 Jan, 2009


A brilliant colour Dawn , A real fairy tale one !

13 Jan, 2009


Like you say, we only normally see them in fairy tale books.

13 Jan, 2009


I would imagine it is Marguerite. It looks like it is saying, "Keep Off". Lol

5 Feb, 2009


when we were having our country raided bye saxons etc they used to eat these first .they were out of there heads hence all the rape and pillidge.

8 Feb, 2009


there cool toad stools.if you cant guess bye the colour you deserve to be poisoned lol.its not only a danger colour .if theres a colour tattooing wise that you get an alergy to its red.doing glazing in pottery the hardest colour to get is have to under fire or do it much cooler if you want to keep some sort of red.strange that . nice picture bye the way

8 Feb, 2009


Glad the Saxons aren't here now then NP, don't fancy being pillaged, lol. Didnt realise red was a difficult colour for you potters and tattooists. Keep cool x

8 Feb, 2009


red seams a natural bad colour all guessing its like that in many situations but im guessing.i know little nippers dont normaly have to be told not to touch red or orange colour things though.or animals comes to think of it

9 Feb, 2009


your only botherd about the pillaging thats worrying lol

9 Feb, 2009


He hee, thought that would make you laugh NP.

9 Feb, 2009


nothing like a nice smile not saying ive got one but nothing like a nice one lol

9 Feb, 2009


I'm sure have! ;-)

10 Feb, 2009



10 Feb, 2009

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