Pepsi, Sit
By Valandra

8 Nov, 2008
Just another one of the new pup lol
Comments on this photo
lol that was on the second day, and she had already learnt to sit, such a cleaver girl. had her a week now and knows all the vital commands. cant wait for 3 weeks when i can take her out. yey
8 Nov, 2008
She seems a quick learner.
Please remember there are a lot of puppy thieves out there these days - especially for Spaniels. Take extra care. She is a super pup. :o)
8 Nov, 2008
really? i really wouldnt have thought about that. well i do combat kickboxing, ill like to see anyone take her off me lol. but i wouldnt have thought that about spaniels tho. thanks for the heads up :o)
8 Nov, 2008
Pepsi is a little cutie :)
8 Nov, 2008
Just adorable!
8 Nov, 2008
So adorable, that's the problem. Must be aware of theft.
For instance, careful leaving her in the garden if it is accessible by thieves. Likewise in the car. Sad to give this warning, but better safe than sorry. Maybe put a few more kickboxing stickers in your car windows and house windows. Scare away potential burglars. Seriously. :o(
8 Nov, 2008
yeah i dont plan on her leaving my site, just like Pebbles my other dog. You cant really trust people when you have a puppy, they are easier to snatch and more easier to lure with treats. nah she is a good girl who doesnt really take to new people that well. she is very shy and will not leave my side, quite cute actually lol
8 Nov, 2008
thanks greenthumb and janette :o)
8 Nov, 2008
She is adorable...oh, my...stealing mean...
8 Nov, 2008
pepsi is a beauty, and dog stealing or what ever name it has is a big thing over here, loads of dogs have been taken from gardens where my sister lives in the country. no fear of my two been taken , the thief's would bring them straight back lol
9 Nov, 2008
awww Irish im sure they wouldnt lol. i didnt know it was such a big issue to be honest. will watch out tho.
9 Nov, 2008
She is so sweet, one of my daughter's as a cat called peppsie with 2 p's in it.she is 10 now.
9 Nov, 2008
Your puppy is very sweet! I wish I could give her a biggg hug!
9 Nov, 2008
thanks newfienurse ,ill give her a big hug for you. lol.
clarice - 10 years old for a cat is really good, haha love the name as well :o)
9 Nov, 2008
~what a sweetie!~
15 Nov, 2008
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Pepsi has already learnt to smile for the camera.
Wonderful puppy :o)
8 Nov, 2008