Swan Planter Bed :(
By Jacque

10 Nov, 2008
Comments on this photo
A bit more rain and it would look lovely floating round the garden.
10 Nov, 2008
Always wanted my own Swimming Swan :)
10 Nov, 2008
We got a few stone ones Jacque like these not as attractive as yours but given as gifts from people we still see so need to use them .
One so heavy it proved very useful when he had the dogs as they learnt to open the fridge ! Used it to keep the door shut .The number of times my tea went missing.lol - well now I can.
10 Nov, 2008
Yes i know what ur saying Bonkers this weighs a good Ton2 :) @ least i know itl never get stolen ;)
10 Nov, 2008
It isn't enough we had a bad summer. Now the autumn aswell. :(
10 Nov, 2008
You call this photo
Swan Planter Bed.
More like Swan Lake. :o)
10 Nov, 2008
What can we do Hywel ? we re trying our best to send this stuff to places that need it - come on goy Brits if we all concentrate Skippy would love some of this in Arizona ! Hurray for Hurricane Hywel . Oh very good TT like that.
Now then I read once about this chaos theory whereby if a butterfly flaps its wings on the other side of the world a small flutter can develop into a breeze etc till it becomes a huge storm elsewhere.
I suggest we all sit and watch Blazing saddles remember them eating beans around the camp fire ? We then all break wind together and shove this weather as far away from us as we can ! Oops on second thoughts what would that do to the ozone layer ?
10 Nov, 2008
LOL even Summers Frizbe is Floating lol .Im still here Janette lol :)
10 Nov, 2008
We only need alittle Brezze Bonkers Not a Strom thanx :) LOL
10 Nov, 2008
He he Jacque sorry but refuse to let this weather get me down any more so we wouldnt get the storm someone else would . Mind might cause a few earthquakes here. x
10 Nov, 2008
Bless u Bonkers uv made me Smile/Laugh after such a Horrid Day X I really must get off to Bed Now Sweet Dreams all X
10 Nov, 2008
Sleep tight Jacque just trying to cheer Hywel up as seems so down over this weather , thanks for input .
10 Nov, 2008
Goodness TT so much water :(
1 Dec, 2009
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guess the swam should move to the cows neighborhood
10 Nov, 2008