By Tasteyg

10 Nov, 2008
Comments on this photo
Are these flowers all growing currently or were the pictures taken on an earlier date? These are very beautiful...Tg
11 Nov, 2008
Yes Skippy, all the photos that I posted yesterday were taken yesterday. Most of the photos that I post are new ones. I'll usually mention the fact if they're older ones.
Thank you both for the compliments :)
11 Nov, 2008
They're very early aren't they ?
They're lovely.
11 Nov, 2008
Real great shape. A little conservative. And lovely for it. Do spring bulbs flower through winter there Tastey?
11 Nov, 2008
Thanks for the kind words GT & Hywel. I took this photo at my grandparent's house. It's been pretty warm around here, it's just starting to get a bit chilly in the mornings and evenings. It's 11:20 AM here and it 60 degrees right now, just to give you guys an idea of the temps at the moment. Winter temps are fairly mild here. Low night temps don't normally go below 28 degrees.
I think that they are early Hywel, but volunteered to grace us with there presence :) Greenthumb- It depends on how much frost we get in regards to spring bulbs flowering through the winter. I'd say that in general no they don't. I planted a bunch of ranunculi about month and a half ago for next year and all the leaves have come up. I don't see any flowers, yet. I'll let you know if I get any :)
11 Nov, 2008
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