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By Jacque


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isn,t it amazing , i,ve been looking at buds in my garden , winter isn,t the end,s the beginning !

12 Nov, 2008


So True Amy :) This Small Azalea igot For Mothers Day this yr from a Garden Centre we visited on mothers day which was giving them away 2 All Mums :) There were 2 in 1 pot so i placed them in their own pots & theyv done great :) I dont no if theyd be ok outside so these are in My Greenhouse :)

12 Nov, 2008


I think they should be o.k outside Jacque , but if they are small I would baby them for another year ,

That was nice of the garden centre , was it Notcutts , I go there sometimes for a look round but very rarely buy anything they are so expensive , I can,t believe the prices of somethings and as you have found out with your lovely selection of seeds you can grow so much yourself :0)

12 Nov, 2008


Sorry Amy i cant remember if Notcuts as i go into so many i forget where iv been lol :) I do go to Peterborough Notcutts some times & i Collect lots of unwanted Flower Pots from Their Outside Wooden Box which says help yourself So i DO & i nearly Fill Poor Phils Van up with them lol :D

12 Nov, 2008


Ah, free is best as long as its serviceable..

12 Nov, 2008


Buds look very health on your Azalea. Should get lovely blooms..
Azaleas should be ok outside. I live where it is freezing in winter and mine all survive very well.

12 Nov, 2008


Hi Lynn :) This is a Very Small Plant only 3/4inches high @ present i think its ment2be an Indoor Plant?But iv had it outside all summer in a Shaded Area of my garden in a suitable pot&its done the Plant wonders :)

12 Nov, 2008


They look good. I found buds like this on mine before piling on the straw and hoping they pull through winter. I'll know when the snow breaks. I'm so nervous, I'd keep these in the greenhouse for safety til they grow up more. Might get some early blooming!

13 Nov, 2008

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