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Bougainvillea In Container

Bougainvillea In Container

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very nice

12 Nov, 2008


Beautiful. Will it bloom through winter?

13 Nov, 2008


Very nice color GG

13 Nov, 2008


Yes Greenthumb, it will bloom thru the winter if I keep it protected from a hard freeze (very seldom). I have a five day weather forecast on my computer desktop and I check it every day.

13 Nov, 2008


Very pretty colour.

17 Nov, 2008


Oh I love these! I want one but don't think it will do well here as in windy north coast of Cornwall! ? Saw them in Italy all colours and all beautiful.

26 Nov, 2008


I love Bougainvillea. I had a bronze one that completely covered my garage roof when I lived in California.

28 Jun, 2009

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This photo is of "My Mini Gardens - Containers" in Gardengnome's garden

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