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Boo hoo, flower suicide

Boo hoo, flower suicide (Urginea maritima (Adasogani))

My sea onion was sending out another flower, at about three feet, after a watering, it sagged itself into a beheading with the ceiling fan. :-( It's growing quickly and well, but the bud is gone. I removed the whole flowerstalk to not be reminded. But boo hoo.

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Boo hoo
Given this a 'like' as a gesture of sympathy for your saggy sea onion :o)

13 Nov, 2008


:( Poor flower.

13 Nov, 2008


Pitty it's been beheaded. I've never heard of a sea onion and I would have liked to see what it was like.

13 Nov, 2008


Poor Sea Onion :(

13 Nov, 2008


Oh no, not plantacide. I hate it whe that happens! Decapitated by the fan, that's awful GT. Good thing to remove the reminders :( I think that I used to have this plant. I will post a picture of the flower spike. Let me know if it's the same plant, will you GT? In the mean time here's a link:

13 Nov, 2008


Definitely a sob for it from me!
I was trying to persuade a new orchid flower stem to bend near the cane support - yes, you guessed, it broke off! Boo hoo!

13 Nov, 2008


Poor thing..and you know I did the same thing with my weed eater to one of my plants...wasn't pretty.

13 Nov, 2008


sorry to hear Greenthumb, i guess everyone here have a loss like this... I did, had a huge samambaia (Pteridophyta) which was the enchant to everyone who came to my house... but i was so greedy :o( and didnt pay attention to the chains, one day it just crash one chain, it wrapped the plant and broke all those long branches in pieces...
it never healed

13 Nov, 2008


Yes we've all had some instance of plant loss. :-) thanks for the support everyone. :-) I added the latin name so you can link to my other pics of the last flower. It is also called Squilla maritima but that confuses this 'sea onion' with a relative bulb native on the mediterranean that has a tall flower spike in spring and greens to follow. Rather fascinating wild bulb. This plant just hangs there, about four feet long and the flower spikes are 4-5 ft. Also common named pregnant onion for the little bulblets that form on the main bulb.

14 Nov, 2008


Very interesting plant this is. I've had mine for about 5 years. the bulb started out about the size of a marble and now it's the size of a grapefruit. Amazing how long the flower stalks get.

15 Nov, 2008


I've never seen a Sea Onion either- it sounds fascinating. Should like to see it in bloom. Is it peculiar to America - I mean this in the nicest way!!

15 Nov, 2008


Oh, google squilla maritima images Mike, some of those images are breathtaking for what this wild bulb does. It comes from that native of the mediterranean MT. I was enthralled with what I could see about that.

16 Nov, 2008

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