"Holy Cylcamen sprouts!" says Principal Skinner
By Tasteyg

18 Nov, 2008
Comments on this photo
This looks like the ghost of homer simpons grandad! ha...sprout looks a lot healthier than him.
18 Nov, 2008
Very close Sal... it's Pricinpal Skinner from the one of Treehouse of Horror episodes of the Simpson's, lol. I found him at the flea market (similar to Car & Boots) and brought him to to stick in a plant.
You like that don't you Hywel? I thought that it would be good for a laugh :)
18 Nov, 2008
lol i love the simpsons
18 Nov, 2008
Me too Irish... a guilty pleasure! How about South Park...? Or are they too much?!? They are too much, but I must confess...another guilty pleasure of mine!
18 Nov, 2008
He looks crazy. lol . but I've never heard of him.
One of my brother's boys used to like the Simpsons when he was little. I've never seen it myself.
18 Nov, 2008
i have a love/ hate with south pk lol, i always end up having a good laugh watching it.
love groundskeeper willie in the simpsons, any fav's yourself?
18 Nov, 2008
I like the Simpsons. :)
18 Nov, 2008
Hywel- Every year the Simpson's do a Halloween special called the 'Treehouse of Horror'. That's where this figure is from. He does look as if he's lost his mind here!! Normally he is just the principal of the school. The Simpson's humor is juvenille, but I wouldn't recommend that children watch it. It's made for adults. Same goes for 'South Park'. I'm horrified at the thought of children watching that!
18 Nov, 2008
I love Marge's laugh. I dressed up as her one year for Halloween. Ralph the policeman's son cracks me up! I've got a sticker of him picking his nose on my car! Nelson (http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Nelson_Muntz) the bully makes me laugh too! That laugh he does, when he does something mean...gets me every time-haha! So Irish...no I don't have a fav, lol :) Who's your fav Janette?
18 Nov, 2008
Oh no....not the simpson invasion now ha ha brilliant picture though Tasteyg
19 Nov, 2008
Don't worry Maureen...I think the Simpson's invasion is limited to my garden, lol :) Or is it...???
19 Nov, 2008
Ya gotta love patty and selma ( Marge's twin sisters)...With the smokes always hanging out of their mouths and their hairy legs, makes ya wonder why they are single.....
19 Nov, 2008
LOL, Newfie! They are funny as well and always so mean to Homer! He deserves it though!
19 Nov, 2008
Too bad he's not more like "Macgyver"!!!!!!!!!
19 Nov, 2008
LOL...Too bad Homer wasn't more like Macgyver? Perhaps they should have an episode where he's Macgyver (or ever better MacGruber,lol) I used to love that show. Do you ever watch Satuday Night Live? There's a skit on there called 'MacGruber', poking fun at MacGyver. It's kind of annoying, but a little funny. Whenever Jeff or I do something stupid, we call eachother 'MacGruber.'
19 Nov, 2008
Yes, the twins are obsessed with MacGyver, seems like he is their ideal man! hahahah...
MacGruber? too funny...
Gotta love Moe too...And that stupid little guy Ralph...We all know a Ralph. And a MR. Burns. And a NED FLANDERS (I have an aunt and uncle just like thme, haha). But they don't own a left handed store! :P
19 Nov, 2008
I'm not as faithful of a watcher as I used to be. I must have missed that the twins love themselves some MacGyver. Must be because he can fix anything with a bread tie, some duct tape and toilet paper tube, lol :) Yes, I love stupid Ralph. I mentioned it earlier, but wasn't sure if you read it...I've got a sticker of him picking his nose on my car...it's nice ;~) I think that there's something to laugh at in each of the Simpson's characters.
19 Nov, 2008
Saaaweeeet ! Principal Skimster , my cat's breath smells like cat food . McGrubber we've only got 10 seconds left . Throw me that safety pin , "Here ya go McGrubber" . And now the real comptroller .
I had that same Ralph on my antenna until somebody snaked it . I still have a pic though . No pun intended . LOL ! Expand my brain learning juice .
4 Dec, 2008
Smalljaw- I see that you're a Simpson's fan and have been subjected to McGrubber, lol. :)
11 Dec, 2008
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lol . Who on earth's that ??
18 Nov, 2008