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First snow to settle


By Gillian

First snow to settle

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We haven,t had any yet .... there is some forcast for the weekend though ,
I love to see it but not to be out driving in it !

20 Nov, 2008


It was so icy driving home last night and I saw so many accidents, I was a nervous wreck by the time I got home! Took about an hour (and a glass of wine) before I stopped shaking!

20 Nov, 2008


Oh Gillian, did you take this today? It certainly looks chilly. The forecast is that we should be seeing some within the next few days. If I were you, I think I would pour yet another glass of wine and leave the car parked in the drive. Not nice to drive in so try not too. ha ha. Well if you dont have to anyway. Be careful over there, and keep warm

20 Nov, 2008


Unfortunately I have to go to work, otherwise I would certainly be staying put!

20 Nov, 2008


How long will this last do you think - or does it last all winter with you ?

20 Nov, 2008


This first little sprinkling will melt fairly quickly I think, usually gets more serious later in December with January traditionally one of the worst months, then it will be around until March, April. I do not enjoy it one little bit!

20 Nov, 2008


I suppose you're more prepared for it in Canada then here. When we get snow it's often unexpected and everything is disrupted.
Good job it doesn't last long with us.

21 Nov, 2008


Yes, I remember that! Everything would come to a complete standstill for a while and it was quicker to walk anywhere than bus it!

21 Nov, 2008


There was an unexpected snowfall in Nova Scotia this week and one highway was closed overnight with motorists stranded for 14 hours. More last night but luckily it did not reach my area. We had heavy rain and wind instead. Am thankful for that as my snow shoveller is off at university lol.

22 Nov, 2008


You'll have lots of snow in Nova Scotia soon enough I guess! Lucky that lot didn't reach you.

22 Nov, 2008

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