It looks pretty from indoors
By Gillian

30 Nov, 2008
Comments on this photo
The best place to view it from beside a real log fire .
30 Nov, 2008
I'm with you on that one!
30 Nov, 2008
I agree !
30 Nov, 2008
~who has a real log fire?I don't even have a fireplace!
30 Nov, 2008
We had a fireplace but it was gas, with pretend logs!
1 Dec, 2008
~i would love a log burner but definitely not got room!
1 Dec, 2008
Just discovered my Christmas elf name is Lucky Holly-Bum!
That could amuse me all day!
5 Dec, 2008
~sounds prickly!~
5 Dec, 2008
I fear that is what I will be seeing this weekend. Somewhere I have tons of winter snow pictures. Now where did I loose them at. Temp. very cold. -17F.
I will be busy moving things about and piling on the leaves.
Actually, discounting the work I do ... I so much prefer the crunch of snow rather than the constant dampness of rain and drizzle. As a nurseryman I can still get some things done, but most of my income comes from gardening. So when it freezes solid or snows heavily I am dumpster hoping/hopping for food.
Things are so tight over here they have put padlocks on the McDonald dumpsters. My own suspicion being that the employees get the first digs.
10 Dec, 2008
What is a Christmas elf name?
Herb Senft would be?
The Lummi tribe gave me the name of (can't say) but it involved a bird.
10 Dec, 2008
I was hoping to finish digging up my favourite plants before the cold weather set in, but still have some to do and the ground is now solid and covered with snow! Just have to hope we're still here by the time spring comes and the ground thaws!
Christmas elf name was just a fun thing from a BBC Shropshire website where you type in your name and it comes up with your Christmas elf name. I think there are many other sites doing the same thing.
11 Dec, 2008
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But I bet it very cold outdoors.....
30 Nov, 2008