The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Helleborus niger.

Helleborus niger.

My Christmas Rose - a little premature!

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Mine are almost flowering too Spritz! Great aren't they?

1 Dec, 2008



1 Dec, 2008


Good - now I'm waiting eagerly for the others to flower!

1 Dec, 2008


Mine must be behind I haven,t seen them yet !

1 Dec, 2008


No, mine is early!

1 Dec, 2008


It makes me a little envious, I admit, to see the untouched green and beautiful blossoms IN WINTER!!!! gorgeous flowers...and in December! sigh.

2 Dec, 2008


That's exactly why I love these plants, Lori. I'm also hoping to buy a Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' tomorrow. That flowers now AND it's fragrant! I have a few winter-flowering shrubs and plants - they cheer me up on days like today when it is cold, dreary and raining. I know it's very different where you are - but remember all the things you grow that I can't!

2 Dec, 2008


I hope mine flowers this winter. It's so small and in a pot from the old garden. Last year it had one flower.
I want a Viburnum bodnantense too. All the cuttings I took when I moved have failed. I must have it for it's scent in winter.

2 Dec, 2008


I agree, Hywel! I've been looking for a spot in the garden for ages - now I've decided.

2 Dec, 2008


~ have a look on ebay~there are some going through!

7 Dec, 2008


Too late, Arlene, I went and bought one last week! Thanks for the thought, though. :-)

7 Dec, 2008

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