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View photos by Majeekahead
This photo is of "7. right hand patio bed" in Majeekahead's garden
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298134 of 302616
View photos by Majeekahead
This photo is of "7. right hand patio bed" in Majeekahead's garden
Your bulbs will look lovely soon. Ours are just beginning to poke through (well one or two of them). They will be much later than yours.
If your garden is new you wont recognise it by the end of the summer. We started making our 2 1/2 years ago from scratch and each year it has looked completely different as we get inspiration for more beds and add other features such as pergolas. Next year I plan to fill more beds since I have so many seeds. You look as if you have done a lot of planting.
5 Feb, 2008