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East TN power

East TN power

Faye Beck telling me to get out of her yard . LOL

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Colorful front yard....Lots of nice plants and a good variety

4 Dec, 2008


She is on it . A wonderful sense of design .

4 Dec, 2008


I think she should be very proud of her garden!

11 Dec, 2008


Very beautiful. Love the brick and the garden. What is East TN power? Was that once built as a Tennessee power sub station? Does look like a home or was it once owned by TN power for a employee to live in?

22 Dec, 2008


the lady is showing her prowess
only 15 miles to Oak Ridge
welcome to the machine

24 Dec, 2008


Ah, I'm speechless, How did you know?

24 Dec, 2008

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