By Poetgardener

6 Dec, 2008
Comments on this photo
Hello Odie, nice to meet you.
6 Dec, 2008
Lovely Odie. Looks really sweet.
Not a Labrador Retriever ~ ears not erect in that breed.
But nevertheless, really beautiful. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
You're right TT. And thanks for all the kind words about my boy. He is very delicious and smart and happens to be a Kelpie. A kind of cattle dog, not many of them here in the states, but used mostly on farms in the south. He was sent to the kill-shelter in Kentucky with his sister and brother, and some kind lady rescued him and brought him to NJ at 5 weeks. (Thus his official name: Odysseus, after Homer's boy and his long journey home..) He looked like a baby pig when he was a puppy. But Marguerite, I laughed at your stories about your lab, becuase my girls dress him up sometimes too, as in the photos not yet posted "Odie wearing his Xmas bling" and "Odie in a scarf!". We adore him.
I will admit, he's a bit of a weird one. Very moody, keeps to him self sometimes, and will walk out on me in a flash if I look at him wrong. I have to laugh, because he is only a dog. But he treats me just like my kids do! He's truly divine.
Thanks very much Gilli for the welcome!
6 Dec, 2008
Black dogs rock! I love his shiny coat.
22 Jan, 2009
ah thanks so much. I had a black shephard many years ago named kaya -- I got her in California when I was only 19, and she was splendid. When I saw Odie I new I had to have him. I also had a black lab growing up named Noel...so I agree, they do rock!
25 Jan, 2009
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Odie is a cutie! Lab?
6 Dec, 2008