bark nearly finished

13 Dec, 2008
12 cubic metres of bark almost moved. My job is to fill bins and compost bags and move the bark through the long garage and down 6 steps. My husband's task is to spread it over the borders. The spare bark is taken 220 feet (70 metres) down our garden and into our next door neighbour's garden, which we are using as a working yard.
Comments on this photo
We used to move it in a day and a half. It's taking us longer this year, but we are doing other things in between sessions of moving bark. It is much heavier this year - it's sopping wet with icy bits. We filled some bins last night and went to move them this morning and they had partially filled with the torrential rain - making them so much heavier! Luckily, because we have been so physically active this holiday, we haven't had any real aches and pains.
13 Dec, 2008
Does having the bark on your drive actually clean the drive ?
The drive looks very clean. :o)
13 Dec, 2008
Do you not have access to youre back garden other than through your garage?
13 Dec, 2008
TT the bark does seem to have cleaned the drive - though the dust from it will probably get in all the cracks and grow moss!
Trees.. We have a side entry - with 4 steps then another 4 - so it's a bit contorted! (This is also the way down from the kitchen). The lounge has 10 steps. The garage only has 6!!!
Our house was built the last in the row - they built from both ends of the road and built some bungalows on wider plots. They ran out of numbers so we are 26 next to 34! We think they must have brought the york stone paving and chunks in before they built the house - or they were very strong - we have quite an amount of york stone in the garden!
13 Dec, 2008
When we bought this house a few years ago it had a garage built on the side which meant the only access to the back garden is now through the garden. It was one of those comprimises when buying, the garden and the woods at the bottom won.
13 Dec, 2008
The paviers are 20 years old - they are brick and scrub up well! We occasionally use a high pressure hose and "Patio Magic", which deals with the algae which grows because the front of the house is north-facing and the entry is totally in shade.
14 Dec, 2008
Some friends across the road to me bought their house a few years ago when it already had an extension added along the side. This meant the compromise for them is that everything for their quite large back garden has to be taken through the HOUSE. They seem to manage very well, especially considering they have four children !
A lovely family. :o)
14 Dec, 2008
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Does your neighbour know? LOL.
Is this a fair division of work? It sounds back-breaking!
13 Dec, 2008