By Feajill

8 Feb, 2008
All birds love this birdbath, but as you can see the wood pidgeon fills it
Comments on this photo
He likes to have a bath at least once a week. He chose this morning (not the one photographed) he had a shock it had iced over, but he soon broke the ice with his weight and had an ICE bath......different I suppose
10 Feb, 2008
LoL iget 6/7 regular Wood Pigeons visit my garden2.Iv ust put a bird bath in2my garden how long b4 any birds use it u think??????????
12 Feb, 2008
It took about 3 weeks before any birds had the courage to bath in it!!!!
12 Feb, 2008
Just 3weeks is good! i can be patient&wait that long lol :)
13 Feb, 2008
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This picture makes me smile every time i look @it lol.That big wood pigeon is well @ home in there : )No room 4 any other bird!
10 Feb, 2008