Back Garden photo taken 9 days ago
By Mikec

29 Dec, 2008
This photo was taken 9 days ago. There was about 24 inches of snow on the ground. The next photo shows what it looks like today after some very mild temperatures.
Comments on this photo
Well, that is quite a difference between the two photos...
29 Dec, 2008
Wow, that really melted off. The garden doesn't even look wet in the next photo. This was a lot of snow.
29 Dec, 2008
Amazing that it's really not wet out there. The temps have been in the mid 40's to the mid 60's for the last five days and the sun has been out so it dried out. These mild temps wont be round too long as it's suppose to go back down to around 5 to 0 next week.
29 Dec, 2008
Crikey Mike.......youve had a little snowfall then he he he Stay indoors and keep warm
30 Dec, 2008
I'm afraid it doesn't look like this anymore on new year's eve. It started snowing during the night and we now have another 10 inches on the ground. Guess we;re ending the year here with a bang :)
31 Dec, 2008
beautiful Mike, winter wonderland - was it like this over Christmas?
2 Jan, 2009
It sure was Angie and it still looks like this after all the snow melted and then got more.
3 Jan, 2009
Lucky you mike, would have loved a white Christmas, rather than a white Easter that we had last year! lol
3 Jan, 2009
All the little perennials and shrubs were snug under their blankies! poor babies...they kicked their covers off!
4 Jan, 2009
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Amazing difference Mike..stay warm!
29 Dec, 2008