Snow Horses
By Weeds11

29 Dec, 2008
Cody and Dan. Don't worry, they have a warm dry barn (behind them,) this is their choice. See the "horsy" on the gate? Cat gave it to me.
Comments on this photo
What a scene!
29 Dec, 2008
This has been the most December snow in Spokane history. Crippling.
These two are our Horse/Dog/Pet/Stress-fighters. Gentle and sweet.
29 Dec, 2008
I guess they were just enjoying the view...or something...maybe they thought the camera guy was bringing some treats and they didn't want to miss out...B-r-r-r-r-r!
29 Dec, 2008
Begging for an early breakfast.
29 Dec, 2008
~give them a treat from me!!
29 Dec, 2008
New meaning to white horses Giggle.... I agree with skippy looking for treats from the camera person. What snow you have. I Like the horsey on the gate.
29 Dec, 2008
OH...I cannot believe those silly a pair of piggies....give them pets and hugs from me...Cody not shying from the snow now I see....LOL....I hope this goes away soon, but knowing how long your winters are....not it? Flash gave me the sweetest head nudge this morning....right on my forehead...LOL...I gave him his new kickiball from Shirlena and some treats called snaffle bits....he was thanking me I think...LOL...We still have snow..but mostly ice now.
30 Dec, 2008
Hey, Cat. Aren't they funny? They think it's a big joke, bucking and kicking and arching their silly necks.
I'm amazed at this weather. We had a big melt yesterday, then today we got another foot of snow. It's beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Sisty
30 Dec, 2008
Another foot!!!! you have trails just everywhere?! Are they able to keep the roads plowed at all? you must have plow piles 8 ft. high! I know how the horses are here..they all got silly to during the main big snow...we have blankets on them and Flash kept getting one strap loose...he liked it to play with..biting it and then kicking and bucking and then biting it again...I hook it back up everytime I go out to feed..LOL..he manages to undo it...very nimble teeth I think LOL...the others are not having half the fun...he is so long necked he can reach places they
I cannot imagine how much more snow you will have..we have another big front coming through here from the northwest..not sure we will get snow..but it will be carrying a lot of rain..if the cold keeps coming down from the far north it could surely mean more snow for both of us.
Keep warm and no falling on ~Sis-n
30 Dec, 2008
It's madness! The county snowplows are only doing the main arterials so our little county road is not getting plowed. There are four of us who have small snowplows who keep our county road plowed so that everyone in our neighborhood can get in and out of their houses. I shovel our walks and accesses. You should see my muscles! Weightlifting may be my Wellie Olympic event! :-] Mr. Weeds plowed snow after work til 8:30 last night.
In the realm of fascinating: The wind is making snowballs. Really. It flips up a piece of wet snow and rolls it until it gets too heavy to roll. Most are baseball sized. As the temperature gets colder though, we get drifts instead. Several of the highways are closed because they are drifted full. They have called out the National Guard to get them open. Buildings are caving in with the weight. A big grocery store caved in yesterday and parts of two church complexes that had flat roofs. Sorry, I got so chatty about this, right now its a consuming portion of my life.
If Flash, the jokester, had thumbs, he could play ping pong in the Wellie Olympics.
We don't blanket our horses in snow, their winter coats are so thick and they are so well insulated that the snow doesn't even melt on their backs (like feral horses.) Then we feed them extra grain to warm them up from the inside. They have shelter, too. The rain and wind that you have over there is far harder on them than our snow. sisty
30 Dec, 2008
I know...your snow is dry and fluffy compared to our wet cold we get here...ours can lose weight fast if not blanketed and kept very well fed...the youngs ones and the oldest one would be fine she is more like yours but not so thick coated even when we don't blanket...we waited for their winter coats to come in before we blanketed and so far no weight loss. Flash is very suseptible to this. Still a growing boy you know...
I saw on the news about a church collapse..wondered if your Mr. Weeds was working on the roads ...lucky neighbors...give him a hug for me...I miss you both...stay safe & warm...~Cat
30 Dec, 2008
~sorry you having such a hard time~the weather seems to be getting worse by the minute!
Is your home ok?
30 Dec, 2008
Cat - Yeah, the "Arab-y" and hot blooded horses like yours are a little more sensitive to weather than our quarter horses. I think ours are actually gaining weight because of the extra grain. Don't think the weather is bothering them at all. Mr. Weeds is taking me out to dinner for our anniversary. Nothing fancy but I'm pleased that he remembered. Sisty
Arlene, we had an ice dam problem on the roof, but nothing inside was damaged.
I'm going to quit whining about the weather. I suspect that no matterr how much I complain about it - it won't change a thing. :-) Spring will always does. Thanks for asking. Weeds
30 Dec, 2008
Happy Anniversary you two Love Birds...Not a weed or commoner at all among the two of you....and I will not allow you to say such things of two of the Dearest people in my life. You are Hibiscus and your Mr. is a Forest Glen...You are glorious, strong and very loved by me...
I am sending you my gratitude and love for being a part of my life and wish you many more Very Happy Years to come. xxx's ~Cat
31 Dec, 2008
Happy anniversary!have a good time inspite of the weather!
31 Dec, 2008
Cat, Such talk! Hibiscus? Forest Glen? Glorious? Oh my! You know us too well to think of us in such flowery terms. Nice thoughts though. I do kind of like being an hibiscus...that has a certain charm! You are so funny, you are my hero. sisty
Arlene, thank you! Our dinner got postponed til Friday, Mr. Weeds was out of town to a pre-job meeting and it was slow going getting back.
31 Dec, 2008
Listen hear "OH".. "Weedy One-Hibiscus"....I knew you would like that .......make sure Mr. Forest Glen...hears what I have named him...he will certainly appreciate it....sorry you had to miss dinner...and hope he is home safe now. ~Sis-n
31 Dec, 2008
I read him the last one. He was still chuckling when he left. No worries, dinner was postponed till Friday Sisty
31 Dec, 2008
Happy Anniversary Weedy and Happy New Year to you too....:o)
1 Jan, 2009
Happy new year and all the best for 2009!
1 Jan, 2009
Gilli.......Weedy?..Weedy....? You are calling Madam Weeds....My Hibiscus... "Weedy" .....There is trouble brewing ......!
1 Jan, 2009
Thank you and fear not, Gilli, I have been called many things worse than Weedy :-) in fact I kind of like that name. While Hibiscus is a beautiful name, and I am flattered by it, if you saw my garden you'd understand why I chose Weeds as my name. I'm more of a Gardener-Wanna-Be" than a real gardener.
Arlene, thank you, Happy 2009 to you, too.
Sis-n, my sweet pea, you are too kind to me by far! Luv va you. Sisty
1 Jan, 2009
Sweet Pea!...I am a Rambling Rose!...a Red one!....
Gilli is up to no good and she knows it.....I will....muster my broom Gilli and you will see some fireworks that have nothing to do with it being New Years Day....
I see...Gilli Good Witch that you have started this year as you mean to go on !!
So be it.. .I shall be calling in your moose to have a word with you...... I will be expecting a report of what he has had to tell you.......and as to whether you plan to take heed. ^..^ ~Cat
1 Jan, 2009
Ramblin' rose? Yeah I can see that one. LOL
1 Jan, 2009
Always have been..but made a sweet stop for a sweet while...and am glad for I have my Sisty...... what more could one ask for. :) ~Sis-n
7 Jan, 2009
~how are you Caroline~is everything getting sorted?
7 Jan, 2009
Yes..Arlene..thanx for more very small load to take out which can be taken out in less than and hour...I am looking forward to staying home and sorting my garage and house now! feeling tons of relief...I may start having garage sales for a living...!
7 Jan, 2009
I'm glad you stopped long enough to dip into my life!
It's time things start geting better for you, everything is going to be coming up roses for you now. (Ramblin' Roses, that is. )-Sisty
8 Jan, 2009
A very very belated happy anniversary Mrs W. hope youre a bit warmer by now!
3 Sep, 2009
Thank you. Very warm here now. Snow's all gone. Good thing, too, cause it was getting to be a drag! Ask anyone...I whined a lot. I looked at some of your photos, I hope my back yard comes along so well in the next 9 years. It was pasture 3 years ago.
3 Sep, 2009
I'm sure it will and look forward to seeing it develop, we're lucky here in that we don't (usually) suffer such extremes of weather as you do, it seems., and very happy I am to say that!
3 Sep, 2009
It's beautiful there.
...And here too, but in a different way.
The yard has come all the way from a giant mud pit to a place we enjoy relaxing in the evenings already. I am just learning what will grow and thrive here. A lot of trial and error, win a few, lose a few.
3 Sep, 2009
Same same wherever you are , we lost quite a few things before it got to the shape it is, what i don't understand is why one of our fence posts wont grow a clematis but the next one 8 ft away will ? its a wondrous thing nature!
3 Sep, 2009
Strange thing about your clematis. Same variety? I sure can't tell you anything about clematis. I got one spindly flower on mine and the whole thing withered. I understand that whole withering thing is common with some clematis. I'm not flumuxed yet, I'm going to try again next year.
3 Sep, 2009
The conventional wisdom for planting them is they like their roots to be in shade, we put slates(roof) on the area around them Keeps them coool and moist and also that one should plant them deep, covering the whole rooted mass and some of the stem/stems 2-3 inches of. Hope this helps, If yours is still alive come winter then cover as suggested and cut down to 6 ins above soil level, it may well come back next year, we had one or two spindlies and they roared away after this treatment!
4 Sep, 2009
I had mine in a half barrel planter and shaded the base with straw. I will go back to the bricks I used on the first one I had a few years ago. This one may not have been planted deep enough, I was afraid the stems would rot if I buried it too deep. Live and learn. Thanks.
4 Sep, 2009
yr welcome!
4 Sep, 2009
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~my goodness~I see what you are up against! Is this normal for this time of year?Lovely horses!
29 Dec, 2008