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First cold snap of the year, this is day! And sounds like its just starting, -60F tonight! Jeez, Happy new

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I would die there. lol. I would just die.
I think it went down to about -3 or -4 C here last night. That's too cold for me.

1 Jan, 2009


OMG!..........How do you stop your eye's from freezing Greenthumb???? I'm going to use my witchity powers to send a blast of warm weather to you...but don't hold your breath! lol

1 Jan, 2009


OOOOOOOOOOowwwwwwwww how do you stand the cold......i thought it was cold enough here....

1 Jan, 2009


~wrap up warm GT~lots of hot drinks and don't go anywhere if you can avoid it!

1 Jan, 2009


Brrrrrrr!Stay cosy in your cabin ! Happy New Year to you.

1 Jan, 2009


Ok, I'll stop grumbling about -20 now.
Stay warm inside with your plants!

1 Jan, 2009


Thanks for the I haven't experienced this kind of cold here before. Last time was the year before I came here. Already this temp is looking balmy. Tea and hot chocolate for me today. Maybe a visit into the hills, they get almost 25 degrees less cold!

1 Jan, 2009


Stay inside Greenthumb,and keep warm Happy New Year....

1 Jan, 2009


Me too Gillian. No more complaining about -20. Mind you, it''s warmed up to -4C today and feels positively like spring. LOL.

GT, stay inside. At -60F I would think you would get frostbite within a minute. Time to hibernate I would think. LOL.

1 Jan, 2009


I'm trying. I've this awful numbness to cold..... I'll bury myself in a good book. I went out for a minute, and like usual, I thought to myself, this isn't so bad. I couldn't be

2 Jan, 2009


~how warm is it inside GT~are you able to maintain a decent temperature for you and your plants?When do you have to get back to work?

2 Jan, 2009


Oh, its fine inside, other than a chilly draft against the walls. About 65-70F. Lets say 20C. :-) My little elctric radiator really makes a difference. Last year the heater would be on all day, now its just now and then. I've been back to work today. We don't stop anything here for cold. Still -30 for the high each day. Not forecast for an end! This is when I love my garden. I'm trimming fuschias for spring, cut back the canna, jasmine and heliotrope are getting ready to bloom. Begonia going well still. There is nothing like this to escape the cold!

3 Jan, 2009


~ you obviously have very efficient insulation which is a good thing! That's why your plants are doing so well.
However that sounds very very cold outside so keep wrapped up!

3 Jan, 2009


I will. I've been out, I think I'll post my first blog on Ice Fog. It's everywhere. The arctic desert at its best! Very, very, frozen. :-)

3 Jan, 2009


Hold your breath when you go out so you don't freeze you nose hairs!! Good luck on the wait for warmth. Like warm -15, right:)

6 Jan, 2009


I hate the nose I can't wait for 0. Shorts weather. :-)

6 Jan, 2009


Amazing and unimaginable temperature. Don't think I'd survive!

7 Jan, 2009


ooooohhhh bad memories... frozen car seats...feel like tires frozen flat sided...kathump exposed flesh freezes in 3 to 5 minutes! you learn to breathe through the nose, very quickly or you will have cold air asthma.... errgggg.... all those things I had managed to forget...good to be in a cocoon of warmth with a kettle and a teapot! spring is coming!

9 Jan, 2009


This is warm day now. We steadily cooled to our reigning high of -35 low -62. Sorry to stir old I blogged on our ice fog if you want another blast of cool air! :-)

9 Jan, 2009


minus 62!!! there would be very little red showing!!!

9 Jan, 2009


Its getting old for all of us up here, but it will pass, :-)

9 Jan, 2009

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