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This is for BONKERSBON


By Sid

This is for BONKERSBON

This is a watercolour I did just before Xmas from one of Bonkers' lovely photos of birds in his garden. And being in a festive frame of mind, I decided to add in a bit of holly too :-)

Comments on this photo


This is lovely Sid

1 Jan, 2009


Oh Sid....this is so was a nice photo..but you have really captured the festive spirit .Thank you for this.......

1 Jan, 2009


Oh that's quick! Thanks Michaella!

Thanks Mr B - glad you like it. Couldn't go wrong really with such a lovely sharp photo to work from - thanks for letting me use it!

1 Jan, 2009


Nice job Sid, I like this a lot!

1 Jan, 2009


Too kind Sid....gone straight to favourites !

1 Jan, 2009


Well done, Sid. This is beautiful painting.

1 Jan, 2009


This is beautiful Sarah ,you are a good artist...

1 Jan, 2009


Thanks ladies :-)

1 Jan, 2009


well done Sarah , thats lovely

1 Jan, 2009


Lovely painting.

2 Jan, 2009


Sid, that would make a great seasonal cover for a card...great job

2 Jan, 2009


Its Beautiful Sarah :)

2 Jan, 2009


Ooh...that is lovely Sid, very very good. Love the Thrush!

2 Jan, 2009


very very nice.well done

2 Jan, 2009


Thanks for all the nice comments! :-)

Skippy - I thought so too - I might use it next year :-)

2 Jan, 2009


Gorgeous painting - you are so clever.

17 Jan, 2009


This would make a great embroidery for Christmassy things Sid....just imagine it on a corner of a tablecloth etc........beautiful!

17 Jan, 2009


Magnoliatree - thank you! You haven't seen all the 'disasters' I keep strictly to myself!

Janey - Ooo-er....only just managed to paint it more by accident than judgement - think embroidery might be pushing my luck a bit too far! x-D

19 Jan, 2009


very nice sid i like it and its water colour.bonkers is a bloke lol lol.

12 Feb, 2009


Well I was last time I looked Np LOL

12 Feb, 2009


sorry about that bonkers lol

12 Feb, 2009


No worries NP good to have a laugh !

12 Feb, 2009


we have enough grief in our life and smiling rises your hole demeaner

12 Feb, 2009


I know Bonkers is a blokey bloke of the blokish pursuasion.....have I called him a her somewhere then? I don't see where.....???

13 Feb, 2009


no i made the biggest mistake possible.i just presumed lol

13 Feb, 2009


Oh I see....weeeellll you see SOMETIMES Bonkersbon IS a woman! It gets very confusion I think you can be forgiven!

13 Feb, 2009


Sid..Jane here..when it gets daft,you know its him back to him ! [Couldnt resist ] Sorry Np x

13 Feb, 2009


Hi Jane - I'm getting to know, thanks! he he he...

(You see what I mean NP?!)

13 Feb, 2009


i thaught you were bonkers bonkers lol

13 Feb, 2009


He is.....Jane not so much tho ;-)

13 Feb, 2009


my names leigh not jane lol

13 Feb, 2009


I know. Jane is Mr Bonkerbon's alter ego x-D

oh dear, this is getting confuzing........I'm easily confuzed!

14 Feb, 2009


Oh this IS getting confusing lol

14 Feb, 2009


im getting confused about whos actualy confused lol

14 Feb, 2009


Hi Np..Jane here..Im his other half..often come on to talk well as animals in general..he is the one with the sense of humour,though I have my moments.! Love your blogs of dogs long gone but never forgotten.I have had 4 dogs over last 20 years..all rescued,and all living to 14 to 17...never forgotten.All had to be put to sleep through illness,and someone said to me how can you stand to be there when they die.? My answer to that was that I was there for them when they needed them all through their can I not be with them at the end ? The last thing my dogs heard and felt was me telling them I loved them,and though it hurt,I would not have had it any other way.Nice to speak to you Np.....stay the way you do...positive in the face of adversity !

14 Feb, 2009


thats realy cool of you nice one rescuing dogs.i should realy but im on a mission to make my own going to breed my sharpi with a french bulldog .they should be healthier.though i didnt for one minite expect my 14 stone male stburnard to actualy breed with my 4 stone sharpi lol.she had one and a half pound puppies .considering alsation puppies are a pound at birth thats insane.he bread with her because we had a 2 tear garden lol and nature wins through.we thaught it must of bean our little datshund untill they were born.i dont thinki could change if i wanted to never leave any of my family to die on there own however upset i was.i remember a friends mum had collie like a shelty but bigger i just cant think of the name lol.he was called laddy .he was about 14 and had gone of his legs.she said he needs to go to be put to sleep but she couldnt do it.i was about 20 and full of myself like ya do .i flippantly said.ill do it for you no problem.i thaught i dont know the dog wont be a problem.anyway i carried the dog to the taxi ,leaned in to put him on the i did so he leaned forward and licked my was all over then i had the biggest lump in my throat and as soon as i had to talk to the vet i started blubbing uncontrolably.i would and have done it again .i dont mind crying its a good release valve

15 Feb, 2009


: )

15 Feb, 2009



16 Feb, 2009

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