Viewing our new home in September 2007
By Vilai

2 Jan, 2009
This was at the right hand bottom corner of the garden...all gone hoo!
Comments on this photo
Yes Hywel - a lovely romantic looking summer house maybe?
2 Jan, 2009
Never mind I found a close up of the wee stone cottage.
3 Jan, 2009
You can do it up even better, Vilai. Take a look at some of the garden ideas on this site....listen to the individual input...determine how much time you have for upkeep...with kids your time is limited...don't be afraid to send a private message if you have a question for an individual or use the gardening questions area if will prevail....
3 Jan, 2009
I agree with Skippy,this old think you have there is sooo fine!
14 Jan, 2009
Pictures by vilai
4 of 18
What else?
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It would have looked nice done up.
2 Jan, 2009