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Nearly time for Santa to go


By Gillian

Nearly time for Santa to go

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Yep! I think it is time....he's quite the fancy fella....from the shop? Or did you design him?

3 Jan, 2009


I think this one was one I bought from Walmart in the after Christmas sale one year, but I liked how he looked so woodsy.
He'll be going away along with everything else when we get to Epiphany next week and the end of the twelve days of Christmas.

3 Jan, 2009


See you next year Santa.

3 Jan, 2009


I like having the house decorated, but I also like getting back to normal after 2/3 weeks of it all!
Bye bye, Santa, 'till next year!

3 Jan, 2009


I'm really looking forward to putting everything away again now. Luckily I'm not working next Tuesday so I'll have most of the day to do just that.

3 Jan, 2009


Are you sure it isn't one of those guinea pigs that you forced dressed to look like Santa. I know you are to refined of a lady to shop Wallymart! lol

Dexter or Dougall?

3 Jan, 2009


I only hit Wallymart weekday mornings when it isn't stupid busy - there's one not far from here.
And no, not the guinea pigs. As we speak Dexter is eating his carrots and Dougall is having his butt hair trimmed!

3 Jan, 2009


Lovely Santa. I've still got mine out too. I collect this type, Father Christmas I call him. More like a jolly woodsman, puts me in mind of the season and giving rather than the red, which makes me think of excess and sweets. He's great.

7 Jan, 2009


I always used to call him Father Christmas in England, I think I've been in Canada too long now and see him called Santa everywhere so fell into that instead!

8 Jan, 2009

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