Heucherella 'Rachel'
By Sid

9 Jan, 2009
This plant is a Heuchera x Tierella hybrid. It has proved a really reliable plant in my garden and very much at home. I think it is in fact a better plant that H. 'Purple Palace', having a neater habit and prettier flowers.
Comments on this photo
Only thing is.........bunnies are rather good at digging! Oh dear...
12 Jan, 2009
He's distracted by the feeder in the back garden!
12 Jan, 2009
How very pretty and the frost adds the final touch.Have got eight Heucheras - and NO rabbits (as yet!). We do live in the 'burbs and maybe that's not really rabbit country.
17 Jan, 2009
Thanks for identifying this one and saying why you prefer it to Purple Palace.
Very useful info. :o)
Good photo.
25 Jan, 2009
You're welcome TT :-)
25 Jan, 2009
I'd like to try tiarella as well... it's called "foam flower" isn't it...It makes a pretty drift of white, as I remember... would be a lovely combination with a heuch...my list is so long now...it can't be called a list...it's a.....a....scroll....
will be looking for this come spring...
25 Jan, 2009
Hello Lori ~
I find Tiarella grows better in some parts of the garden than others.
Maybe Sid can advise, please, the best conditions for Heuchera, Tiarella and Heucherella. Thanks. :o)
25 Jan, 2009
Well, Tierella is rather more delicate than a Heuchera and prefers more shade and moister soil I believe. I did have a Tierella but it never thrived and eventually died on me - I think I had it in too much shade and probably too dry too - my garden is very much on the dry side. It was a pity cuz it was a lovely thing called 'Chocolate Mint' with very pretty 'fuzzy' white flowers over green foliage marked with brown. Heucheras of course are much tougher cookies altogether. Heucherella 'Rachel' is in a sunny part of my garden, but is shaded a little by the surrounding plants. I have taken some cuttings and planted them the other side of the path, where they will be in full sun. I am interested to see how well they do there - fingers crossed!
26 Jan, 2009
Thanks. Yes.
That would make sense.
Last summer, I had planted Tiarella Iron Butterly in the back garden in a dry place and it was not doing well.
I moved it to the front which I watered more often, and I've just checked ~
looks like it has survived the winter.
Likewise, Tiarella Spring Symphony is looking healthy, which is in an even damper place in the front garden.
Thanks for confirming this. :o)
26 Jan, 2009
You're welcome TT :-) Tierellas are lovely things - I wish my soil was a tinsy bit more moisture retentive, but I shouldn't grumble as most things do pretty well in it.
26 Jan, 2009
Wow I never knew Tiarella had so many varieties..."chocolate mint, Iron Butterfly, and Spring Symphony..." I think Tiarella is a plant for the Pacific Northwest...likes lots of moisture and grows well in shade...probably a wild flower out there....another one that I like, I only know the common name for, it's call Piggy-back Plant... luscious foliage...but needs cool moisture to do it's best...
27 Jan, 2009
Not sure it's hardy is it? I know the one - yellow mottled leaves I think? I've only seen it sold as a house plant over here I think.
27 Jan, 2009
Sid ~
Do you have photos of Heucherellas in flower ?
27 Jan, 2009
TT - I've just had a 'quick' look through my 600-odd garden pics on the confuser and..................No. I haven't! The flowers on my plant are much like Heuchera flowers, except they are bright pink, unlike Heuchera flowers which of course tend to be brown or dark or generally a bit dowdy in colour. That 's just my plant tho.....maybe other 'crosses' produce different effects?
27 Jan, 2009
I just googled a few Heucherellas, out of interest, and, this is a bit of a guess, but it looks rather like you get the best of the Heuchera and the Tiarella, in that you have very pretty Heuchera type of leaves with the Tiarella type of flower. :o)
But, as you say, other crosses probably each produce a different result !
27 Jan, 2009
Just as you say TT - best of both worlds!
27 Jan, 2009
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Featured on: heucherellas
This photo is of species Heucherella 'Rachel'.
This photo is of "Heucherella 'Rachel'" in Sid's garden
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I love heucheras... so does the little brown rabbit that lives behind the shed...he makes a beeline for my largest clump of Palace Purple. the snow is getting deep now..so the plant is safe from him til spring!
11 Jan, 2009