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Birdhouse in snow


By Weeds11

Birdhouse in snow

Got this from a place that specializes in wild bird items.I still love it but the birds don't. No nests in 3 years, I think the opening is too small. Now that we are settled in the new location I'm going to drill out the hole a little and see if someone will move in. The cup on the porch used to be full of tree moss, they carried that away to build nests, so it hasn't been a complete loss for them.

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~cerainly looks like a des res!

16 Jan, 2009


Yes, looks like five star accommodation ~
I just hope it is appreciated by a nice tenant :o)

16 Jan, 2009


It does look like a very posh bird house.

16 Jan, 2009


Oh I love this birdhouse Weedy..... :o)

17 Jan, 2009


Commoner Weeds - Thank you for sharing this photo with us. I am trying hard to make a serious comment. I am afraid this bird house does knot whole qualify for my seal of approval. I see it has been vacant for some time and has fallen into disrepair. Does the sign above the door advertise the vacancy? There looks to be a loose roof board that will create a chilly draft. It will come as a surpise to some but birds tend to reside in trees or buildings, not many opt to live in snow holes. The house needs to be above six feet from the ground in a sheltered location with the entrance pointing between north and east. This giraffe shaped house looks as though it has been designed for a long necked bird. I do not know if you have any in your area but overall this house seems suitable for an ostrich.

17 Jan, 2009 is so ..oh so....Cat in the Hat like.....maybe that is the problem....

17 Jan, 2009


Don't listen to them Weedy. It is a lovely house. Sir Turnip does not know of what he speaks.....except I would tend to agree that the birds would be happier if the house was in a tree or something.

17 Jan, 2009


Oh I love the house..but if the birds think a cat actually lives in it..they would be wise to not enter...birds are not stupid Gilli...never mind that they call stupid people bird is just not right. Stupid people should be called stupid people not bird brains....huuurrmph..I have worked myself up in to a fit...need to get back to hot glueing items back together for garage something...

17 Jan, 2009


Aw, you guys, :-) did you think I didn't know about the whole tree/birdhouse-up-high thing? You sorely misjudge me. This is knot the original location of this birdhouse. (See my profile) When we moved our house, I took down all the birdhouses and feeders, and moved them too, however, when we set the old girl -(my home) back down on her new foundation, there were many, many...oh so many, many things to attend to before we could live there comfortably, (like planting grass in the clay soup so that we could walk outside without drowning.) The birdhouses had to wait. This one is still waiting...I set it down on one of the landscape rocks because it looked 'cool' there.
GF Birdhouse inspector, ay? I think the sign originally said either "Hunter's Roost" or "Welcome All Ye Ostriches. Can't remember which. LOL

17 Jan, 2009


One foot wrong Weeds and we are all on your case. ;-) Great photo.

18 Jan, 2009


Weeds..tell them why it is in a snow was totally covered and is just now peeking out is that not right?

18 Jan, 2009


Ams, Thanks. So kind of you all to show me the error of my ways!

Cat, when I said above that it looked "cool" on the rock, I hadn't taken into consideration the deep snow that covered it this winter. It really does look cool there, maybe even cold! Yes, it was completely covered by snow and reappeared, magically, a roof board at a time.

18 Jan, 2009


~Have you still got snow or is it in retreat?

18 Jan, 2009


We haven't had any new snow for over two weeks. What we had has melted down to a foot still on the ground. We have a few bare places on the south side. We've had hoar frost from the fog, today the sun made it incredibley beautiful. We are doing our part to reflect that sun back up without painting anything white! ;-)

19 Jan, 2009

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