Common Raven
By Greenthumb

25 Jan, 2009
These never hole up, just all over even at 50 below. They are 42cm tall and even longer, probably weigh 20-30 pounds.
Comments on this photo
No Lori this is one resilient bird..very intelligent as you say
25 Jan, 2009
dont think your strange at all Lori, they are beautiful. great photo
25 Jan, 2009
Thanks, I was out looking for our more raggamuffin variety, but these sleek ones will do. The real scraggly looking ones give me a laugh. Really huge, I'd never seen any this big until moving here.
26 Jan, 2009
I have a soft spot for the underdog... an avian Charley Chaplin? the little tramp? LOL...always reminds me of the scene where Charley is making his dinner....boiled boot! I always put out extra for the ravens when we lived up north...
26 Jan, 2009
Lovely Pic GT :)
26 Jan, 2009
aw Lori, i love charley chaplin lol i can remember that part well, the boiled boot lol.
26 Jan, 2009
Thank you so much. :-) I've been watching for a good opportunity. They don't stop in at my place often, no trash to rip They feed very well, on anything and everything that is left out. Seems every pack has a rough looking punk pushing everybody around. He took right off ewhen I opened my Now I'll be imagining little charlie chaplins everywhere, boots in tow. ;-)
26 Jan, 2009
ravens are here too. i love to watch them flying.
30 Jan, 2009
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You probably think I'm strange but I love ravens! especially their voices! One of the most intelligent, hardy birds on the planet.
25 Jan, 2009