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Another Raven

Another Raven

Like I was saying, everywhere! They are a common animal in yupik and athabascan folklore. They will survive anything. Nowadays they raid your trash and uncovered groceries and mess you I still like them, huge!

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Oh they are characters, for sure! naughty, nervy, nuisances...wonderful survivors... ever get close enough to look one in the eye? you can see the old soul looking back at you!! They have a hard life..but nature has prepared them... I wonder about the ravens at the Tower of London...are they still there? You know what they say will happen if the ravens ever disappear from the tower!!

25 Jan, 2009


Very cheeky things. LOL

25 Jan, 2009


Lori ~they are still there and I believe they clip their wings so they can't fly away!I think that they are very pampered by the beefeaters who look after them!

25 Jan, 2009


They are definately full of spunk. And no fear. Simple to look these guys in the eyes. Nuisances but welcome to me. Just don't park under the street lamps at the grocery

26 Jan, 2009


Oh that's priceless, GT! Where I grew up in Muskoka, we had gulls that would do the same thing!! The summer folk would come to the landing in their launches to buy their groceries or load and unload their stuff and the gulls would be there checking out the garbage cans! and bombs away! A few folk didn't appreciate the hair dressing! A little dab 'll do ya! LOL.

26 Jan, 2009

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