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I have nursed a few hedgehogs since moving here and this was one of them. If you see a hedgehog in broad daylight it means it is distressed, hurt, ill or lost a parent. The kindest thing to do is place it in a cardboard box or equivalent, wrap in old towel if it is a baby or injured (ring RSPCA babies need special care and treatment) feed it some pet food (not fish variety) and plain water (never feed with bread or milk it makes them ill) for information visit

Comments on this photo


Congratulations on helping hedgehogs.

Some years ago I organised a charity dog show for St. Tiggywinkles.
At that time, Les Stocker was still operating his animal rescue charity from his small house and garden. I visited him ~ every corner, in his house and small garden was filled with animals and birds, convalescing, prior to being returned to the wild !!! He so desperately needed more space. When I met him, he was rushing out to rescue a swan, but stopped long enough for a quick word with me and to sign a copy of his book.

The dog show raised hundreds of pounds and it was good that not long afterwards, plans were well under way for the current large Tiggywinkles establishment which is a Teaching Hospital to train carers to look after wildlife, and has wonderful facilities for helping injured creatures recover, before going back to their natural environment.

Well done on your work :o)

28 Jan, 2009


Hi Norfolk long time No See? Its great 2 see u do so much for Hedgehogs :) I recently Took 1 of My Hedgehog Visitors 2 the Norfolk WildLife Centre@East Winch due to Finding Him1 morning staggering about :( i rang the Centre 2check on him the next day& he`d pulled through his 1st nite & when hes well&Big enogh hes going to be returned to me so i can relaese him back into My/His Garden :)

28 Jan, 2009


You did so well with that hedgehog Jacque :o)
I enjoyed your blog with the happy ending.

28 Jan, 2009


Thanx TT itl be an even better ending when he Comes home :) il take my Camera that day when i go collect him :)x

28 Jan, 2009


Yes, a blog called ~
" Hoggy - The Home-Coming "

28 Jan, 2009


I think Members would like that TT , So many were Interested about His Health ect were`nt they :)

28 Jan, 2009


Yes, lots of people loved your blog and will really like to follow the Hedgehog story to its conclusion. I've given you the heading, now over to you. :o)

28 Jan, 2009


LOL u sound like a News Reader TT ! :D

28 Jan, 2009


~ "Our charming East Anglian wildlife personality, Jacque, will now present her report on hedgehogs from the East of England." ~ :o) Lol.

28 Jan, 2009


LOL Bset Save that Intriduction TT i like the Sound of It :)

28 Jan, 2009


Thanks TT and Jacque, looks like we have something in common :-) It was East Winch wild life rescue that 4 baby hedgehogs I rescued last year went to, they must have only been about 3 or 4 weeks old, so needed proper lactose supplement etc. The poor little things, they were wondering one by one up our garden path in the daytime, mum was no-where to be seen and they were very cold. The RSPCS van arrived within the hour of phoning them and now my neighbours bring hedgehogs to me as Ive mentioned it on our local village website. If you are near East Winch Jacque then you are not far from me, near Downham Market :-)

28 Jan, 2009


Thats very Close 2me Norfolk :) Its West Winch on The A10 2 Downham Norfolk & Swaffham On A47 East Winch ,i like your little Town lots of Charity Shops which is 1 of My Fav Past times looking for something different 4 the Garden never fails & their Gardening Books such Fantastic Prices :)

28 Jan, 2009


The hedgehogs of Norfolk are lucky to have both of you looking after them :o)
Yes, I love the charity shops. That's where I get most of the equipment for my dog's trick performances. :o)
Apart from Conker's John Deere mower ( see the photo ) which was especially imported from America ~ because all the British toy mowers were too high for him. LOL.

28 Jan, 2009


Bless little Conker TT does he still push it around ? Guess he does it indoors with the weather being so bad:( Hows Crocus all snug i bet? :)

28 Jan, 2009


yes done it myself .we had a whole family in the garden one year I put them into a box with straw and put them into the greenhouse I feed them with cat food and water and cleaned them out every day The smell was alfull And then when the weather got better I let them go into the garden

29 Jan, 2009

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