Narcissus almost Full
By Greenthumb

29 Jan, 2009
A night shot of the open flower and the opening buds behind. Nicely scented but the fan keeps me from getting overpowered.
Comments on this photo
Wonderful of my fave flowers and that scent....mmmm.....
29 Jan, 2009
29 Jan, 2009
Lovely Greenthumb..............
29 Jan, 2009
29 Jan, 2009
30 Jan, 2009
The scent can be over-powering, but what a lovely way to go!
31 Jan, 2009
They are acting a little strange like they are dry or something. Not sure why, the soils fine. This was a peak moment. I'm glad I caught this pic.
1 Feb, 2009
could they need a mist of water GT?
Maybe the atmosphere is a little dry for them?You could stand the pot on a tray of wet pebbles or hydroleca?
1 Feb, 2009
They stand just above my 55 gallon water tank, the humidity is pretty high in here. They started looking drier after I watered. Strange. Acting a little floppy too, I think I didn't plant them deep enough. I'm letting them get through and then try something different with these bulbs next year. WHatever happens this pic will make me remember the best moments. :-)
1 Feb, 2009
~well they should definitely be okay above the tank~I take it, it was water you used and not something stronger?
Yes, you will always have this gorgeous photo anyway~I had a look on line for these in the UK but maybe they are out of season now~ will have to have a look in the autumn!
1 Feb, 2009
They were in stores around thanksgiving to christmas with the amaryllis season.
3 Feb, 2009
After flowering they will die back naturally. Maybe they are starting early. I wouldn't water too much because the bulb could rot. I think forcing bulbs indoors is quite different than outdoor naturalizing. The picture is beautiful! I like the white pixie look! Looks like they could be a cake decoration:)
5 Feb, 2009
~check this out GT~these are similar I think
Scented bulbs
Posted in Plants by Adam Pasco at 1:44 pm on Monday 2 February 2009
Breathe deeply as you enter my sitting room this month and you’ll take in the powerful, almost intoxicating fragrance of paper-white narcissi.
I planted the Narcissus papyraceus bulbs last autumn, in a glass bowl layered with gravel. All I’ve done since then is to occasionally top up the reservoir of water beneath the gravel, just enough to get the bulbs growing and to sustain the display.
These indoor paper-white narcissi (or daffodils if you prefer) are primed and ready to grow before you even buy them. All you need do is add water to set them off, which start with emerging green shoots of leaves and flower stalks, with pure white roots anchoring the bulbs down into the gravel. These are hardy bulbs, so they don’t need a warm room to get them growing. In fact, they prefer cool conditions, which keep the stems stocky. Spoil paper-whites with warmth during these early stages and their stems get drawn and lanky. The stems are further weakened by an excess of shade, and will topple under the weight of the glorious flower heads as they open.
No, cool but light conditions are what paper-white narcissi need. My unheated greenhouse bench, which has been almost empty over winter, has been a perfect home for the developing daffodils.
As the paper-white flowers open, they release their strong, distinctive scent and I bring the bowls indoors. I know they won’t last long, and grown in gravel in this way the bulbs will exhaust their inner reserves, so won’t survive for another year. But gardening is all about enjoying the moment, and I’m sure we could all do with a pot a fragrant flowers to brighten up the house in the depths of winter.
6 Feb, 2009
That is just wonderful! And I'm guessing that next year they'll have to stay on the floor. They were happy til I put them up on the step where the temp rose maybe as much as ten degrees. I'll have to treat the coming daffodils like this as well I'll wager. Thanks so much Arlene!
7 Feb, 2009
~no problem GT,glad to help!
7 Feb, 2009
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