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white orchids


By Justjan

white orchids (dendrobium)

Comments on this photo


Great photo, Dendrobium hanging off of a balcony, extraordinary.

31 Jan, 2009


There are so many great elements to this picture, you should enter it into a photo contest.

1 Feb, 2009


Thanks :) Never cross my mind. Maybe cos I was just using a normal canon ixus (non SLR) camera.

This bloom was 2 years back, it was extraordinarily long and heavy. The subsequent bloom did not have as many flowers. I had just repotted this one yesterday. Hopefully, it'll be better next month.

1 Feb, 2009


This white dendrobium is one of the largest orchids I've seen in person. We have one in a greenhouse here about 1 1/2 meter tall that has big heavy heads like this. Wonderful specimen! I hope you get another bloom like this. :-)

1 Feb, 2009


Thanks Greenthumb. Reminds me I shd be more diligent in adding fertilizer. I admit, I wasn't so diligent. Cos for orchids, I'm using a special one (pink in colour) meant for orchids alone.

2 Feb, 2009


agree w Tammie, this is a really remarkable, memorable picture.

4 Mar, 2009


Gee thanks Weeding :) I'm're all so kind.

5 Mar, 2009

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This photo is of "White orchids" in Justjan's garden

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