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A welcome spot of colour.


By Toto

A welcome spot of colour.


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These are a Lovely colour Toto :)

10 Feb, 2009


Thanks Jacque I have a better photo but the site says it's too big even though I've cut it down to 3MB. Maybe I'll try again.

10 Feb, 2009


HHHhhhhhhhmmmmmm Thats strange Toto that pic wont load? Iv recently Purchased a Metalic Blue Lady Hellebore & A Red Lady Hellebore i cant wait2see them Flower :)Do u have a Name for this 1 Toto? :)

10 Feb, 2009


I've no idea what its name is as my brother gave me one a few years ago and it has seeded itself around the garden. Every year there are more fo them.

10 Feb, 2009


Hi Toto, Yes, I'm pretty certain this is a H. Orientalis like mine(or Lenten Rose) I don't think I've ever seen 2 with absolutely identical colour/ markings. They seem to have lot's of different colours, yellow,purple etc. I'm pretty sure they cross polinate quite easily as well.

10 Feb, 2009


Thanks Paul

10 Feb, 2009

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