Seedling activity
By Greenfingers

9 Feb, 2009
Already I have seedling activity - these are Sunflower 'Orange Sun' on the right and Geranium on the left. The Sunflowers were the seeds left over from the Gardeners' World trial I started last year - sadly the wind snaped the plants clean in half as they reached about 2 feet high, they were going really well up until that point. And the Geranium were so successful last year that I though I'd give them another go this year. Sadly the frost killed them in December but up until that poin they were absolutely fab! I should have bought them indoors but just didn't get a chance to. Geranium are easy to grow and look after - I always thought they were difficult, they were a mixed batch of colours from dark red, white, dark pink and light pink. Very pretty. These were, again, just a few seeds left over from last year that I didn't have room for. I am very pleaed with my seedling progress so far and will keep everyone up to date with their growth as it happens.
Comments on this photo
These look healthy. Well done !
9 Feb, 2009
Well Done GF i bet ur well chuffed theyv started to grow? I get very excited when seeds show &cant wait 4 the Next stage of Pricking out :)
10 Feb, 2009
I've never grown geranium from seed. I'm not sure I've even seem geranium seed anywhere. I will have to look out for some next time I'm at the GC.
Your seedlings are looking good Fingers.
11 Feb, 2009
I'll be repotting the Sunflowers this weekend. They're already 4 or 5 inches high! I'll need some deep pots as they've got to be repotted deeply so the stalk can develop and not get too leggy.
The Geranium are about 1 or 2 inches high and need more time yet, I don't think all the seed has germinated yet, these were just a few of last years' seeds left over. Last year was the first time I had tried to grow them from seed and they were very successful, and I found very easy to grow.
11 Feb, 2009
Yes, Greenfingers, that time of the year when the house is over run with seeds and plants.
Looks like you're having some luck! Post pics of the progress....
17 Feb, 2009
They're coming along really nicely - I'll keep you all up to date with new pics when I get a moment.
18 Feb, 2009
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great to see a bit of new life
9 Feb, 2009