By Janette

18 Feb, 2008
Comments on this photo
This one is planted in its pot Susie2shoes ,just incase it takes over the garden,it survived the winter well ,better than a lot of other thing,s in my garden :(
25 Apr, 2009
I have one in the garden and one in a pot, both doing well. What plants did you lose this past winter?
25 Apr, 2009
Mostly my lovely Fuchsia,s and some Dahlia tubers that were overwintering in the greenhouse,and then I have one or two things I thought would be lost for sure in the bad weather ,like my Abutilion ,left to take care of itself and now has some nice new leaves ,the joys of gardening ....:)
25 Apr, 2009
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20 Apr, 2009
Bamboo Phyllostachys Aureosulcata 'spectabilis'
£35.00 at Burncoose -
Bamboo Phyllostachys Nigra
£35.00 at Burncoose -
Bamboo Phyllostachys Bissettii
£30.00 at Burncoose -
Bamboo Phyllostachys Bambusoides 'Castellonis'
£45.00 at Burncoose -
Bamboo Chusquea Culeou
£15.00 at Burncoose
Bamboo scare me as they can get out of control so quickly. This is a beauty, did it get bashed in the snow we had this winter.
24 Apr, 2009