Testing TT's Wellies with Spring Assists
By Weeds11

13 Feb, 2009
TT I took the liberty of adding an altimeter and a compass to your "Wellies with Springs" idea. They are unsurpassed for speed and altitude. I think they will get the FPP on the run. I don't recommend them on ice or snow.
Comments on this photo
I'm always impressed with your technical expertise. Gyroscope...I wish I'd thought of that before testing these.
13 Feb, 2009
Ha ha ha ha ha .......oh I can see we are in for a good year girls with wellies getting more and more outlandish......wait till TT sees this.............
13 Feb, 2009
TT is seeing this right now...
I am utterly amazed at the technology.
Weeds and Gilli are formidable as our Wellie technicians.
Great photo. Gone on my favourites with the Sausage Trees :o)
Has Catfinch tried these spring-loaded Wellies for leaping on to Flash ?
13 Feb, 2009
Milky...outlandish?...pshaw! This is only technological progress. Wait til you see my snow shovel luge.
Thanks, TT, I can see that you are ahead of this game! These could completely eliminate stirrups in equestrian events in future summer Wellie Olympics! I'm headed to your blog to look at the Sausage Trees.
13 Feb, 2009
Sausage Trees are on my favourite photos.
Not yet on the blog.
If anyone can think of a good excuse to put a Sausage Tree photo on the Winter Wellie blog, please let me know, as I would love to include one there. Any ideas?
13 Feb, 2009
Well now you know.....I have been wanting to suggest chimeries sat along the route...to stop for warming and a snack...but these sausages.....I don't know TT...not quite what I had in mind for snacking on...
13 Feb, 2009
Do you... by the way... have Dawn & her hubbies wellies by the chimerie on here all ready?
13 Feb, 2009
scuse me Weeds...hello down there...Sisty one...are you ok? must have frozen fingers from typing in the snow upside down like that...do you think the ole brain would work better if you dug yourself out and went in by the fire? hmmmmm? next time you make want to make the springs rubberized perhaps? or something?
13 Feb, 2009
Forest Glen...do you see what your wife has done here...please get one of your excavators and help her.
13 Feb, 2009
Dawn's wellies are still looking good on the original Wellie Blog :o)
Could the sausage trees be used for boxing practice ?
13 Feb, 2009
Do you have a licence to drive those things?
13 Feb, 2009
Ams, all you need's a pilot's license. I'd suggest a parachute.
Cat, Why dig myself out?...sp-sp-spring is just around the c-c-corner, the sn-sn-snow will (achoo!) melt. :-)
Hi, CJ, I'll take her a cup of hot cocoa with a long straw right after the basketball game, if I think of it. No sense wasting fuel digging her out; this is a green company, you know. FG
13 Feb, 2009
~wish my hubby had these before breaking his ankle`~with one leap he could have got home safely!
As it is he could give Victor Meldrew a run for his money!
14 Feb, 2009
He probably would have come flying down the chimney bounced three or four times and landed in his easy chair. All you'd had to do is dust off the soot and hand him his tea and newspaper. :-) Hope he's healing. Give the pups a hug.
14 Feb, 2009
~like your version better than the real one!
We will need to invest in two pairs once patented! You are on to a money maker there!
14 Feb, 2009
Hmm. I really think that crash helmets would be a good idea with these Weedy. We can't have Wellie athletes knocking themselves silly on overhanging tree branches or chimney flues etc. I think an intensive training period will also be required. Otherwise we'll have athletes flying to the moon. Maybe we could issue them to the Snow Flower Pot people WITHOUT the above mentioned to give us an advantage.
14 Feb, 2009
Snow Flower Pot People are too little Gilli..they would not bounce that far...just enough to use themselves as rolling weapons...have to keep these away from em...
Weeds your Forest Glen is gettin a few durned burned out stumps in his woods..I think he needs some clearing done....hmmph..hot chocolate with a long straw..."well"...and you down there all in a shiver too...FG I am "shocked"....!!!!!
Why my Knight would have me dug out with his bare hands in a the shake of a lambs tail....I think...maybe two shakes..well we will see....
14 Feb, 2009
Gilli, Can't believe I didn't think of helmets. Must have rattled my noggin, when I landed. What if we provide helmets that match bouncy wellies. Think of it - helmets with skeletons, pink roses, kitty tracks, plaids, dogs, and of course classic black with orange.
Cat, don't you be mean-mouthin' my man. He came to the door and handed me the shovel right after the basketball game. Said he'd have come on out but he didn't have his shoes on....LOL
14 Feb, 2009
That Sweet man..coming to the door in his stocking feet...oh..goodness...hmmmm..I will say no more..he is wonderful to be sure...
as to the helments..wonderful...and could we have matching butt and knee pads as well...now wouldn't we all be such fashion plates..
14 Feb, 2009
Yes, yes, by all means matching butt and knee pads.
14 Feb, 2009
It's so encouraging ~ all these wonderful guys, helping by offering snow shovels, and Arlene's hubby falling over especially so that she could bring him chocolate and cocoa ! And Mr Claptrap kindly risking his liquorice allsorts by driving me through ice and snow to collect Truffle the puppy. A winter to remember :o)
Great teamwork from Gilli and Weeds to come up with decorated accessories ! Not sure I would agree that Flower Pot Snow People are all small. What about the photo by Gilli on the Winter Wellie blog ? Her dog is guarding a huge FPSP !
And Ams ~ back on the health and safety aspect ? How about a driving test and licence to be issued before we can be let loose with our bouncing wellies ?
14 Feb, 2009
Helmets to match the bouncy wellies is a brilliant idea Weedy. And....just in case we have a problem with the gyroscopes, we could attach a spring on to the very top of the helmet.
I agree that the snow pot people come in all shapes and sizes. That is why I'm having trouble designing the perfect flame thrower that is strong enough for the large ones but doesn't burn everything in sight for the small ones.
TT ~ would the driving licence issued be an international licence. It would be awful if the international athletes came over only to find that their licences weren't valid in Canada.
14 Feb, 2009
Licence to kill I think. I would love to see the cops pull Weeds over and enforce a sobriety test. Last night I saw on the news that biker jackets are now available with inflatable air bags built in, on impact you instantly become a Michelin Man. Just the thing for spring loaded wellies.
14 Feb, 2009
Was Gilli dangerous in school science lessons with her Bunsen burner ?
Flame thrower tests ~
coming along well, Gilli ? :o)
International licences. Maybe the spring loaded wellies should be tested for right hand drive and left hand drive.
14 Feb, 2009
Ams, :-( sobriety test? :-( I'm crushed that you should think I was under the influence when I had the little Wellie accident. But you're right safety should be our paramount concern. My neighbor's son has to have a breathalizer tester attached to his car so that it won't start unless he is sober. Do you think we need one on the Spring Wellies?
Gilli, bring that flamethrower on down here. we'll test it on the snow in my yard. I imagine you've already eradicated the snow in your garden. Hope the blue spruce and the bird feeders are intact.
Springs on the helmets, testing for right an left drive, air bags...all good ideas. We may need a springy trailer to haul the Operators Manual.
14 Feb, 2009
Operators Manual will need to be in different languages, including English, American and Canadian. :o)
14 Feb, 2009
LOL! Good one!
14 Feb, 2009
Don't forget Welsh...LOL..Irish and Scottish...
14 Feb, 2009
I realise I haven't yet asked if this photo can please go on the Winter Wellie blog. Actually this photo's comments are almost longer than the Wellie blog. Lol. This photo should have been a blog. Lol.
14 Feb, 2009
I agree of course it should go on the WWOB...lol...but with all the inventions our Weed's may come up with we may need a whole inventions blog ....!!!!
14 Feb, 2009
Good thinking, Cat.
I'll wait in case Weeds makes an inventions blog. :o)
14 Feb, 2009
Well now we should ask Weeds she may not be planning another soon..and made this one specifically for the WWOB...it does seem to have all the right thoughts for it...
14 Feb, 2009
TT. Nothing is longer than the Wellies blog! I made this photo of your idea for you. The wellies with springs was after all your brainstorm it should go on your blog. Good idea Cat, to do an inventions blog though. I'll be thinking.
By the way, Don't forget Australian instructions too.
15 Feb, 2009
And Fijian, New Zealander, Lebanese (is that a word?).......
15 Feb, 2009
New Zealand and Australian would be upside down right? your boots would work particularly well for them Weeds....arrrgh...lol
15 Feb, 2009
Good marketing ploy, Cat! They'll sell like hotcakes!
15 Feb, 2009
Pictures by weeds11
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Well done, Weedy. I hope you also included a gyroscope so we don't have competitors springing at all angles. :o)
13 Feb, 2009