Always one isnt there ? 3
By Bonkersbon

13 Feb, 2009
At the local pool one has to dive bomb you .
Comments on this photo
They bathe at various intervals during the day Dawn,but especially as the sun goes down before they fly off to roost.Brrrrr !
13 Feb, 2009
Oh dear, can't think of anything worse than a cold bath before bedtime!
13 Feb, 2009
Noooooooo !
13 Feb, 2009
big show off lol
13 Feb, 2009
Lol Eileen..cannot understand why they hang around in such large flocks.They spend so much time arguing,would think theyde be happier on their own !!
13 Feb, 2009
He is trying to attract the one in the itsy bitsy feather bikini :o)
13 Feb, 2009
LOL..bikini in this weather ? LOL
13 Feb, 2009
They must be a hardy lot to be out in bikinis.
15 Feb, 2009
Now that would be a sight ! Lol
15 Feb, 2009
We'll have to talk to Sewingkilla, she could knit up some itsy bitsy birdkinis ;~)
19 Feb, 2009
Bless her Tasteyg...she will wonder what shes taken on....chicken sweaters and starling bikinis...whatever next !
19 Feb, 2009
Whatever next you ask ? Uhmm, let's see...., maybe a thong for Cyril ?! He will soon need to get started on a litter of summer babies.....;-)
20 Feb, 2009
Poor Sewingkilla..has her work cut out here now..Cyril willned more thana thong to get him through this lot Lol
20 Feb, 2009
this is a nice pic of the pond ray, it looks lovely and clear,
22 Nov, 2009
Tanks San....its clear because of the fast growing oxygenating plants we put in...just a few bunches,and before you know it they spread like mad !
22 Nov, 2009
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They love that ice cold water BB - do they bathe after they've eaten.
13 Feb, 2009