Hellebore Day at Bosvigo
By Gwendas

15 Feb, 2009
I should know what these are but I don't! Someone enlighten me so I can plant some for next year because they are such a beautiful lilac colour.
Comments on this photo
The taller ones like snowdrops.
15 Feb, 2009
oh i know what these are and i cant remember their name!!!! is it Chinoxia or something like that??
15 Feb, 2009
are they CHIONODOXA (glory of the snow)? isn't that a lovely name glory of the snow bit i mean!!
16 Feb, 2009
Thankyou! I love the name 'glory of the snow' and will definitely remember that. Thankyou for replying.
17 Feb, 2009
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They're not Chincherinchees are they Gwendas? No just had a look definitely not them!
15 Feb, 2009