By Greenfingers

16 Feb, 2009
Tom's a lovely old boy. He loves dribbling. He likes tummy-rubs and chin-strokes. He's the slowest moving cat I know. If anything has moved or changed in the house, he takes ages exploring it by sniffing and tapping it until he's sure it's OK - very strange. He's almost 10 now.
Comments on this photo
ahh~we are all allowed to become a little eccentric as we get older!
16 Feb, 2009
Eccentric, definatley! A total nut case - he's definately a nut case, he's a big soppy softy really. He's currently laying beside me on the settee, with his paws hanging off the edge of the cushion, a bit like an 'Egyptian cat' type pose. Looking quite regal.
16 Feb, 2009
He sounds very Content GreenF Just like My Sox he likes to What we call Dangle his Front Legs lol :)
16 Feb, 2009
Tom has bewitching blue eyes :o)
16 Feb, 2009
fantastic eyes
16 Feb, 2009
Beautiful colour eyes, Bewitching
16 Feb, 2009
Blue eyes....does he have some Siamese in him? He is lovely.
17 Feb, 2009
Very nice cat. Doesn't look 10 though..Must be from living such a stress free life. lol.
17 Feb, 2009
Thanks fellow cat-lovers/gardeners! Tom's a real mummy's boy, unlike Butch who's a complete daddy's boy! Jerry's just a bit of a loner really, likes his own space and does his own thing. Although yesterday, as I was leaving for work, I checked on the location of the cats, making sure I hadn't locked them in anywhere and I found Tom and Jerry snuggled up together on the chair in the conservatory.....ahh blessfull!
18 Feb, 2009
Your cats are beautiful :-) Tom has lovely eyes!
26 Feb, 2009
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Hes Lovely GreenF :)
16 Feb, 2009