By Newfienurse

24 Feb, 2009
How most of my seeds start out..I have a huge radiator under several cupboards, and I put these trays down there and things germinate in no time!
Comments on this photo
haha, TT...This pic was taken on the stove just after I finished teh tray..It immediately went into the germination cupboard.
Now how many people can say they have one of those? :P
24 Feb, 2009
Germination Cupboard !!!!!......cor your posh on your house Newfie.............
24 Feb, 2009
Don't get confused and bake your cakes in the Germination Cupboard.
I agree with Milky ~ very posh. Lol.
24 Feb, 2009
That's a good size tray - what have you got in there?
I put my rtrays on the windowsill in the kitchen, above the radiator. They trays have condensation in so I know they are getting warm. They did really well there last year. I have a triple decker - 3 trays on top of each other. And I also have 2 trays on the back bedroom windowsill - a couple of years ago, evry surface in the house had seedtrays on, the conservatory was full to the brim with trays. I've got some in the shed that I haven't got room for in the house!
24 Feb, 2009
In this tray I have mostly violas and pansies. A couple of rows of regular coneflowers, double decker coneflowers as well- I have found before they don't germinate well like this so I am going to try a row in each flat I do and hopefully have good results somewhere along the way.
There's also a row of iceland poppies and passion flower.
25 Feb, 2009
What a fab selection, hope your garden is big enough for all these flowers. It's surely gonna look colourful, can't wait to see it all in flower. My Geraniums have germinated in just 3 days! I am sooooooooo excited!
25 Feb, 2009
How can anyone not like gardening?
26 Feb, 2009
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That looks like a good place to warm the seeds.
24 Feb, 2009