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New Wren or Robin Nest Box

New Wren or Robin Nest Box

Not sure if the box is in the correct place but we can hope.

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Nicely tucked away Dawn..just how they like it..fingers crossed !
You have done so well...good luck !

26 Feb, 2009


So pleased I have your endorsement BB, that means alot :-) Looks a bit congested here but there is a direct flight path. John has hinged the tops so they can be cleaned out easily :-)

26 Feb, 2009


Well done John..and good thinking about the flight path ! Heres hoping !

26 Feb, 2009


~ have you got a plan for making them Dawn>?Might try it although I think we are so near the woods etc that they will find enough without..There were two magpies with a nest when I was out with the dogs earlier this week.I heard the woodpecker this morning but still not seen~sooner or later!

26 Feb, 2009


I hope you have some occupants soon Dawn it looks perfect :o)

27 Feb, 2009


Thanks Everyone! The design was taken from the fabulous book that BB put me onto at Christmas - BTO Garden Birds and Wildlife. I've never had any open fronted boxes before. Apparently they appeal to the wrens, robins, thrushes and pied wagtails. John made them out of recycled wood so didnt cost much - except for time, lol.
Arlene: Do you hear the woodpecker pecking or calling. We hear the green woodpecker - a very distinct sound.

27 Feb, 2009

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