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Ficus elastica "decora" variegata

Ficus elastica "decora" variegata (Ficus elastica "decora" variegata)

A large variegated rubber tree in Hillcrest, San Diego, CA. Photo taken March 1, 2009.

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Good call! It's Ficus elastica - I must have been typing too quickly.

We have many variegated Ficus trees here. Many people love their variegated plants...I love them too. I think it adds a lot of contrast and interest to an all green garden.

Ficus eleastica 'decora' "Burgundy" is my favorite rubber tree. Marguerite do you see these tree growing in Cairns, Australia? They have burgundy wine leaves.

I'll post some photos soon.

3 Mar, 2009


Have it-lol. Its growing in front of my rental cottage. 10' tall,bushy. Its not as fast growing as the all green. I have F.elastica 'Ruby'- and that IS fast growing..that Andy,you gotta try. I think the nicest elastica of them all- so far. I post a photo or two on Daves Garden...GOY keeps rejecting my pics as too much mb or kb or whatever.

12 Oct, 2014


Do you have any photos of the whole plant?

16 Nov, 2015

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