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photo for John


By Flcrazy

photo for John

A little closer view of the large one.

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That does it - I have to have one now .

4 Mar, 2009 Flcrazy...does it catch midgies etc?

4 Mar, 2009


Thanks ! Yes Janey, I've been brave enough to split a few of the dead ones open and found all types of insects like; mosquitos, flies, knats,and unfortunately even a bee.

4 Mar, 2009


Love this! What a beautiful plant.

5 Mar, 2009


They are unique Gillian, didn't know if they would survive outside here, it's borderline here for their cold hardiness, but I fell in love with them and took a chance. Very glad I did !

5 Mar, 2009


There are serracenia native to Canada, Gillian.... they look more like the previous photo but they are lovely little water jugs...set quite horizontally..not as upright as this pic...they are hardy to minus 30 deg. C... they are a wild flower, "pitcher plant" grows in the swamps of northern Ontario... I love the red on this one, Flcrazy...did you try the darlingtonia? They are just spectacular... native to California, I think, but they would grow in NC, right?

6 Mar, 2009


I'm trying to grow these from seed this year...........

6 Mar, 2009


Lori, just googled the Darlingtonia californica, never seen this variety before, they look more unusal than any I've seen before, don't know if they would survive my winters or not, saw conflicting information on how cold hardy they were. I will have to check it out.
Sounds great Sid, never occurred to me to try and grow these from seed, sounds like an interesting challenge for me to try someday, I wish you the best of success. With your knowledge of plants, it should be a breeze for you !

7 Mar, 2009


I'm going to do a blog on it when I've got time F1......yes, it's an interesting challenge.......John has been mentoring me LOL

7 Mar, 2009


You certainly picked an excellent mentor Sid, are you trying more than one variety ? Can't wait to see your results, do they reach full maturity (height) in their first season ? Guess I should wait and read your blog ,right ?! I'm getting ahead of myself again.

8 Mar, 2009


No that's alright x-) I'm doing S. leucophylla (AKA S. flava or White top), which I think is similar to the one in your picture??? (I hope so - it's a beauty). And also S. purpurea. I'm pretty sure they don't get to full size in one season. Not sure how long they take....but I believe they take several years before they flower. Patience, patience..... ;-)

9 Mar, 2009


I'll have to google S. purpurea and see what it looks like Sid ! I would be thrilled just knowing I'd gotten them to Only one of mine has bloomed for me and I 've had them three years now, so blooming is a mute point for me anyway...I don't treat them the way I should, or they would be blooming every year. I really should try and do better, I have a bad habit of spreading myself too thin and have my hands in too many projects most of the time.

9 Mar, 2009


Ah, know the feeling! lol

10 Mar, 2009


I can relate!

12 Mar, 2009


Yes, don't I know it ... ! You both are excellent multi-taskers, and you're making me look

13 Mar, 2009


I multi-task...badly! Dinners get burnt, washing gets rained on, the cat goes hungry....oh dear........

13 Mar, 2009


Hahaha...., keep talking......., I'm starting to feel alittle better Glad to know it's not only me !

14 Mar, 2009


I've just done a blog on growing them from seed.........

17 Mar, 2009


It's the GOY factor~TMTSOL~too much time spent on line!

6 Apr, 2009


You know me too well already ! That was supposed to be our little secret

6 Apr, 2009


~I suffer as well Jerrie!

6 Apr, 2009


Oh My! Multi-tasking??? I think that is a very kind term for someone who doesn't know when to stop and take a break! Yes Sid...I think our friend doth protest too much... she's a whiz. I thought that Sarracenia bloomed on a trilliums which take seven years from seed to blossom?
Or do I have them confused with something else? If I have the opportunity this summer I'm going to visit my Dad's bush lot and see if there are any pitcher plants growing at the lake...would like to see the environs that they prefer first hand...then maybe I could replicate it in a bog garden.

7 Apr, 2009


Oh yes, I'm a TMTSOL sufferer too.......

I think John told me Sarracenias can take seven or so years to bloom from seed, but I understood they would flower every year from then on.... but maybe I'm wrong?

I'd be interested to hear your comments on your observations, tho of course different species would require different conditions I would think. My 2 plants seem happy and are putting on new growth, but no seedlings have appeared as yet............

7 Apr, 2009

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