Bugs for Toto 2
By Bonkersbon

5 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
A while ago Eileen when we last had some sun ! Like Toto I love to see all the different bugs esp when gathered on one plant.
5 Mar, 2009
its a great photo, hopefully we will have some sun soon.
old irish saying that if the birds build there nests high in the trees then its a sign for a good summer. the magpies nest is at the very top of the tree so fingers crossed the saying is right lol
5 Mar, 2009
This is great Bonkers. Not often you get so much on one plant at the same time. Well captured.
5 Mar, 2009
Well the rooks here build their nests high up every year so I only hope the saying applies to you Eileen - they sure got it wrong here the last few years x
Thanks Toto thought of you when I saw it heres hoping we see more butterflies and ladybirds to go with them.
5 Mar, 2009
lol they sure did BB
5 Mar, 2009
Hmmm.....don't like the green and brown flies BB but I do like the hoverflies...They always make me laugh with their BIG eyes, buzzing around pretending to be tough. LOL
5 Mar, 2009
What flower is it BB? Cow parsley?
5 Mar, 2009
Yes think so Madmum always get confused between this and types of hogweed as often grow together but think the more delicate fronds are cow parsley .
5 Mar, 2009
Such pretty flowers, too pretty for weeds!
5 Mar, 2009
These grow along the river next to us along with huge gunnera and mares tail the size of trees ! All related Madmum cow parsley hogweed even parsnip ...
5 Mar, 2009
This photo is so bright and cheery, you've got me longing for spring !
6 Mar, 2009
You should hang onto the rooks as long as you can. Country lore says that if rooks desert a rookery then crops would fail. This lore was actually taken very seriously and it is on record that when rooks deserted one farmers land he actually went to their new site and took the nests back to his land. Unfortunately for him, the rooks didn't follow.
6 Mar, 2009
BB I just ordered a packet of Queen Anne's Lace seeds because I think they'd be perfect in my garden! I'd love to walk alongside that river, gunnera are spectacular plants (far too big for my garden unfortunately!)
6 Mar, 2009
Us too Flc...woke up to another hard frost today,but the sun shone all day too so it soon disappeared !
Thanks for that Toto,was unaware of that piece of folklore !
Madmum...hope they do well for you ! : )
6 Mar, 2009
Its a Bugs LIfe! I can almost hear them from here, makes me feel all Summery!
7 Mar, 2009
Yes Dawn....and that special summery smell too....: )
7 Mar, 2009
I haven't seen this along the lanes yet, BB. Maybe I had my eyes shut?
8 Mar, 2009
Taken last summer Spritz..just geting ahead of myself....................
10 Mar, 2009
Good to get them all at once BB .. did they come straight from a cow pancake LOL
14 Mar, 2009
Know what you mean Amy...used to see them in the fields all the time !
14 Mar, 2009
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Bee Nesting Box With Zinc Roof
£9.99 at Crocus -
Butterfly Habitat
£19.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Ladybird Tower
£15.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Ladybird Hotel
£11.99 at Crocus -
Bumble Bee Nester
£27.99 at Crocus
was this taken today BB?
5 Mar, 2009