New stepping stones
By Ginellie

8 Mar, 2009
They don't go anywhere exciting - just to the dustbin.
Comments on this photo
Oh I think so. Any fast route to an area where someone might have dropped the odd crisp and she will be there. She is most of my pictures because, rather like Hywel's lovely cat, she follows me everywhere.
8 Mar, 2009
I like seeing Miss Sophie in your photos. :o)
It's good she likes the new stones.
She can find those odd crisps without getting her feet too muddy. Lol.
8 Mar, 2009
Isn't it nice to have them follow you around :o)
I like your stepping stones. You can always pretend they go somewhere exciting can't you.
8 Mar, 2009
Lovely pavers! Are they slate??
Oh.... and lovely Miss Sophie!
13 Mar, 2009
No Paul, just some kind of stone. Sophie seems to think they are ok though and that's the main thing.
14 Mar, 2009
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Does Miss Sophie approve of the stepping stones ? :o)
8 Mar, 2009