The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

And here is my hero, well pleased with himself :-)

And here is my hero, well pleased with himself :-)

Since taking this photo this morning he rotavated the soil next to the greenhouse ready for me to erect my runner bean canes and tunnels for my cabbages and lettuces.

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Well Done :)

8 Mar, 2009


Great job, Paul.
Looking good :o)

8 Mar, 2009


Well done Paul. Excellent job.

14 Mar, 2009


Ahhh, what a love!!

31 Mar, 2009


He is the best :-)

1 Apr, 2009


Paul ~
are you still standing in the greenhouse ?
Do you know Lynne says you're the best... :o)

1 Apr, 2009


lol, get the sick bucket out, sorry folks we are truly soul mates and both dedicated to our garden :-)

2 Apr, 2009


Awwwww, my hubby is the best too, we're also soul-mates. If he is unhappy, I am and vice versa!! Nice that you've got the garden to share. My hubby is too knackered usually to do the gardening. Altho' he has a week off coming up and I'm persuading (er, maybe nagging?!) him to dig a new border for me. Oh, and also, to help me collect some horse manure from local stables. Try that for a "very nice man!"

2 Apr, 2009

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