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Do'nt know.


By Toto

Do'nt know.

If anyone can identify. Please let me know.

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great close up Toto

9 Mar, 2009


Thats such a great close up :D good job

10 Mar, 2009


Great shot, Toto.....looks like a wasp to me. LOL.

10 Mar, 2009


Thnk you all.
I believe it is a kind of wasp, but having looked in my books I can't decide which one. I took the photo last September. The car was on the front and the window was down. This insect was sitting on the trim as you can see. It was about 20mm long (3/4"). I had to rush inside to get my camera and thanfully it was still there when I returned.

10 Mar, 2009


Thanks Marguerite. I checked in my books and found quite a few wasps that were very similar but each of them had one at least one thing which didn't quite conform to this one.

19 Mar, 2009


For me it looks like a special sort ot flie: family: Syrphidae, may be the: Epistrophe balteata. They fly without humming, not noisy, very fast, in a wayy libells fly (like helicopters). They donĀ“t bite. The wasp-look is their mimikri.

23 May, 2009


Hi, Nelke. I think you mean Epistyrphus Balteatus which is one of the hoverflies. I too think that it is a type of fly but when I try to check .t in one of my books there is always a subtle difference between what I find and this particular fly.

24 May, 2009

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