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little man

little man

my brother made him for my birthday last year

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Is that a German Shepherd Dog ornament on the left ?

14 Mar, 2009


very clever, its special when someone makes something isnt it, I have my girls pottery things they made when they were littl at school in my potting shed, treasured pieces

14 Mar, 2009


Thats nice mum

15 Mar, 2009


hi there terratoonie yes it is a G.S.D. it has a solar light in his dosnot all light up ihave to pick him up and give him a shake.

15 Mar, 2009


Thanks for the GSD info.
I can imagine you giving the ornament a shake. Lol.
.... and I forgot to say I like the little man too. :o)

15 Mar, 2009


i love your little man...

30 Mar, 2009

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