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African violet ( saintpaulia ionantha)

African violet ( saintpaulia ionantha) (Saintpaulia ionantha)

My favourite one is this double bloomed pink violet. My Siamese are fond of it as well, and I have to keep it well out of reach! Lol!

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Beautiful ! This photo reminds me of my mother as she was very fond of African Violets. They did very well for her and she had them in every window of her house.

1 Mar, 2008


Have you ever tried growing gloxinias? or episcias? they are from the same family...episcia is called flame has lovely trumpet flowers in a wonderful rich red/orange...the plant tends to trail and the leaves are as beautiful as the flowers...they are hairy like the st paulia but longer with a bronze colour pattern on the uppersurface, light green underneath...
Put it on a plant stand in bright filtered light and it will put on a show.
Called flame violet..or episcia 'chocolate soldier'.
This violet is a wonderful colour...I have a number of the miniatures...if you can find them give them a try... I put mine in a small aquarium and they bloom their little hearts out.

1 Apr, 2008


I will have to look for an episcia as it sounds very beautiful!Did you get yours from a greenhouse? I had to use an aquarium on my violets when Chia was a kitten as she would NOT leave the poor things alone, and they also enjoyed light and security. Now I have them on a bathroom shower caddy pole as it makes more room in my small southern window; my kids think I am insane... they could be right, lol!

1 Apr, 2008


Insane? that sound ingenious to me!

5 Apr, 2008


I love this violet. Looks happy as can be. Big round scalloped leaves. Not at all the violet I expect from the flowers. Wonderful.

9 Apr, 2008


Thanks! I have no idea what variety it is, just loved the look of it wwhen it was at the grocers & we've gotten along since, lol!

10 Apr, 2008

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This photo is of species Saintpaulia ionantha.

See who else has plants in genus Saintpaulia.

This photo is of "30. Houseplant - African Violets, assorted" in Grammazoo's garden

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