By Daftplanter

23 Mar, 2009
i was told that i was crazy asking to get my photo taken (my very first veg picked )
Comments on this photo
Was it a non-gardener that called you crazy??? Congrats on your nice looking beetroot :) I think that were all a little crazy here anyway, so if that's the case you'll fit right in ;~) Welcome to GoY!
23 Mar, 2009
thanks this was also my first ever blog i am so chuffed to get comment so fast i look forward to reading others blogs. good way of learning new tips cant wait to get back out in garden for the started of another adventutre
23 Mar, 2009
no not crazy, definitely not. It's the people who DON'T think about what veg they could grow all the time who need help!
My workmates giggle when I mention my turnip seedlings - which I mention all the time actually, just to wind them up - but I'll convince them yet. One is already seriously considering growing rocket...
23 Mar, 2009
Beautiful beetroot.
Congratulations. :o)
24 Mar, 2009
Hey, crazy or not who's to tell, gardening people are just a litte mad they got to be to make all that work for themselves surly, But it is addictive and we love it, A big welcome to Goy.Look forward to seeing more of your produce, Dave
24 Mar, 2009
You have EVERY right to feel proud, It is like having a child succeed and you want everyone to know that YOU were the guiding force, or in this case the chief waterer and pest remover! Good job! : )
25 Mar, 2009
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Not crazy, proud as punch with that beetroot,,,, well done.
23 Mar, 2009