Spanish Whatsit
By Hameryllis

24 Mar, 2009
These thingys are found in their thousands on the Mediteranean beaches.We found them on the Costa del Sol last year. We have since found out what they are but I would be curious to hear what other members think they are.
Comments on this photo
no no its a hedghog egg...
25 Mar, 2009
a very small tumbleweed lol
25 Mar, 2009
Try planting it and see what grows. You can let us know.
25 Mar, 2009
Hairball from a huge pussycat :o)
25 Mar, 2009
You are the nearest to it Irish,although I do like the other ideas
25 Mar, 2009
TT ~ LOL, Ha ha ha ha....
How about a large ball of what used to be dung....rolled up by a dung beetle???
A mat of hair from a well groomed coconut?
25 Mar, 2009
We know of some people who encountered these in Greece,floating in the sea,and thought they were Camel or Goats droppings and wouldn't go in the water. They do feel a bit coconutty Gilli, but they aint.
Answer tomorrow
25 Mar, 2009
Looks like it would make a good face scrubber for the shower :)
25 Mar, 2009
Its a sea grass called Posidonia Oceanica.It gets broken off and rolled up when the sea is rough. They seem to be made to a specific size,we never saw very big or tiny ones. Whoever is in charge of production and quality control is doing a good job.Google it for a fuller explanation.
26 Mar, 2009
thanks for letting us know what they were Hameryllis
26 Mar, 2009
Hmmm. Interesting Hameryllis.....I will google that. Isn't nature amazing? Do people collect them up and put them on the garden or are they too salty?
26 Mar, 2009
Ooops. Just read up on them. Apparently the use of the leaves as compost is now prohibited by the Spanish and Italian governments.
26 Mar, 2009
I didn't that Gilli.I dont know what they would do with them then. We've got one photo where they have been bulldozed into a pile almost the size of a block of houses.We didn't know what they were called til we put a photo in our Hardy Plant club newsletter and someone came up with the answer.
26 Mar, 2009
I wonder if the Spanish and Italian Governments have any rules regarding the use of hairballs coughed up by pussycats......
26 Mar, 2009
Have we got a use for them TT ?
26 Mar, 2009
Some sort of ball game for the GoY Wellie Olympics ?
.... unless an EU directive dictates otherwise...
26 Mar, 2009
I like it TT
26 Mar, 2009
Now come on everyone be sensible, what on earth would Health and Safety have to say about all this...I ask you!!
27 Mar, 2009
Oh no Chloris, not the the dreaded H&S.?
28 Mar, 2009
Dreaded H & S ?
Hameryllis and Spain ?
Sounds an interesting combination.....
28 Mar, 2009
Chloris's comment on health and safety reminded me that many years ago we had an Elf living at the bottom of our garden.One day I went down to have my ususal chat with him and he wasn't there.I didn't see him again for two years, then he reappeared.I asked him where he had been and he said that he had been in the army. I said that I didn't realise that he could join the army and he said....wait for it.......'haven't you heard of the National 'Elf Service ?' (sorry about that )
28 Mar, 2009
After much serious consideration I've decided to put this photo on my favourites...... despite your joke....
28 Mar, 2009
What joke TT?
28 Mar, 2009
I think that H & S might be interested in you Hameryllis, I'm going to have to think very carefully about future trips into the wilds of Cornwall if this is what happens...hehe!!!!
28 Mar, 2009
Chloris is being VERY wise :o)
Hameryllis ~ I think you're joking...
That's what the mouse said to the pussy cat that coughed up the giant hairball...
You must be choking....
28 Mar, 2009
Dont be put off Chloris, you know I'm only little and easily put in my place. Nice one TT
28 Mar, 2009
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Ahhhh.....obviously this is the egg of the very hairy whojamajigit bird.
25 Mar, 2009