Picture of squirrel for Hywell,
By Funkyfuchsia
- 30 Mar, 2009
Hi, Hywel,as requested, one copied Squirrel, Hope its a good likeness.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Jacque, PM your address and i will send you one.
30 Mar, 2009
So that's where he's gone - he's in your garden. lol. I hope you have plenty of food. He's got a good appetite !
31 Mar, 2009
What did you make him out of ?
31 Mar, 2009
I made him from 6ml external ply, and painted it with Acrylic paint,
31 Mar, 2009
Well done :o) He looks good.
31 Mar, 2009
Thanks Nice of you to say,
31 Mar, 2009
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Its Fab FF:)
30 Mar, 2009