More plants......
By Craftnutter
- 31 Mar, 2009
I only bought this 4 shelf mini greenhouse 2 weeks ago!
Comments on this photo
You had best go and get another before they are all gone Craft.........
31 Mar, 2009
Looking good.
You can squeeze in a few more pots.....
31 Mar, 2009
I'd love another one Irish and Milky, but have nowhere to put it! (sob!) Yep Terratoonie, I have some more plugs on their way to me, so will literally have to squeeze them in! I can't believe how much better all the plants have done since being in there! Makes it a worthwhile purchase!
31 Mar, 2009
Its looking good but i bet you could fit another go on go on go on go on :)
31 Mar, 2009
You could always make room for another greenhouse somewhere....get rid of something.....the car....the wheelie bin.....hubby's DIY stuff.....LOL. :o)
1 Apr, 2009
I have a photo just like it :-) they are handy, Ive had mine two years and its still good as new.
1 Apr, 2009
Hmmmmm, you're probably right, I probably will succumb to another one.......
In the meantime, I've just spent a small fortune on stuff for "Grow your own drugs!".......
2 Apr, 2009
I've been debating whether to get one of these, but I don't really 'do' seeds, so mayn't be worthwhile for me. They're good though, eh?
16 Apr, 2009
CN- I bet you could fit another greenhouse right on top of that one! What kind of drugs are you growing, anything good? ;~)
29 Apr, 2009
OK, so I gave in. I got some seeds with my pot' pack so I've just bought one of these too. :o)
30 Apr, 2009
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doesnt take long filling up does it lol
31 Mar, 2009